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Q: Is geothermal energy good or bad for the environment?
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Is geothermal power good or bad?

Geothermal power is a kind of renewable energy that; as other renewable energies; doesn't add much pollution to the environment. It is good source of energy. The problem is that not all countries have this source of power. The other problem is that geothermal power plants are usually of small power ratings.

What is good about geothermal?

what is bad about geothermal

Is geothermal good or bad?

well at its current total energy content... its good. if it was to raise or lower significantly, well that would be bad

What are bad things about geothermal energy?


Is it good or bad to use geothermal power?

good it is a renewable energy resource found in rocks underground (heat from the rdioactive rocks)

What are the bad effects of geothermal energy?

gas from cows

What are two bad things about geothermal energy?


Why is geothermal energy bad?

geothermal energy gas that smells like rotten eggs called hydrogen sulfide and creates toix

Why is geothermal energy better than coal?

i think it is better because geothermal energy help people with a lot of things and coal doesn't because its bad.

Heat built up inside the earth is called?

this is a bad search place cause if i wanted to i could put something dumb so dont use this

What is bad about geothermal energy?

it is the best thing in the whole world... it comes from the heat from the earth it may be expensive for the land needed and the price to build the geothermal energy system.

What are all the bad things about geothermal?

the only bad things about geothermal is that it takes up too much space everything else is good