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Q: Is glacier carry sediments a whether or erosion or deposition?
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What presses sediments together?

Usually weight from above, whether from a body of water or from additional sediments.

What are some similarities between erosion and weathering?

they both have to do with sediments

How many times can a plaintiff cancel their depositions?

Whether or not a defendant can cancel a deposition depends on whether it is a defense deposition. If it is the other side, the defendant cannot cancel a deposition.

If a rock has ripples pointing down what does that mean?

If a rock has ripples pointing downward, it suggests that the rock was formed in a depositional environment where sediments settled or were deposited horizontally or at a slight angle downward. This can occur in environments like riverbeds, deltas, or beaches where sediments are being deposited and compacted over time.

What is required to turn an igneous rock into a sedimentary rock?

the igneous rock must be broke down or weathered down by erosion into sediments that then compact and cement together by pressure (and maybe heat- i cant remember whether or not) over the time period of many years

Do you have to give a deposition if you live in a different state?

It depends on whether or not the deposition has been subpoenaed by the court. Most of the time, when the court finds out that you live elsewhere, they will offer to do the deposition by phone, or they may find another witness.

Is icicle a mineral?

Ice does meet the definition of a mineral, whether it is in an icicle, a glacier, or a snowflake.

Does condo insurance cover land erosion?

Read your master policy and work with your broker to determine whether or not the policy covers land erosion.

What is the best way to measure whether increased biodiversity results in lower soil erosion?

Compare erosion between farms of different crops.

Would rain cause erosion and deposition?

Well rain is a very loose definition, and scientists such as myself are working on tests to see whether or not it truly is clouds crying. Our current discovery is that if you stand on a mountain (7,000 ft. +) at 12:00 and let the rain wash over your armpits then it can cure diabetes.

What is lithification in geology?

Lithification is the natural creation of sedimentary rock through the processes of compaction and cementation of sediments. The compaction usually occurs as a result of the crushing weight of overlying sediments above, expelling water and air from between the pore spaces of the individual sediment particles. As the water is squeezed out, a form of mineral precipitation occurs and these minute mineral crystal structures attach themselves to, and cement together, the individual particles of sediment, whether they be sand grains, minute clay particles, pebbles, or boulders.

Which characteristic determines whether a rock is classified as a shale a siltstone a sandstone or a conglomerate?

the particle size of the sediments within the rock