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Q: Is gneiss rock contact or regional metamorphism?
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What type of rock would result from the metamorphism of granite?

Granite is Igneous rock. It crystallizes from hot melt (magma). Metamorphic rocks can be found associated with granite as result of their contact with country (surrounding) rocks. This will be a contact metamorphism. Metamorphism of granite it self results into granitic gneisses which are coarse foliated rocks.

What is the difference between regional and contact metamorphism?

Regional metamorphism is the creation of metamorphic rock from large geographically significant processes like plate tectonics. Contact metamorphism is the creation of metamorphic rock from the proximity of an existing rock to a heat source provided by a plutonic intrusion.

What two geological processes are involved in changing sedimentary rock to a metamorphic rock?

The two processes resulting from sedimentary into metamorphic rock are known as contact metamorphism and regional metamorphism. Regional metamorphism most notably involves two tectonic plates colliding, while contact metamorphism occurs due to the intrusion of magma.

How do the effects of contact metamorphism compare with those of regional metamorphism?

contact and regional metamorphic are similar because both of them happen cause of hot heat and pressure which make the rock metamorphic

What are the differences between para-gneiss and orthogneiss?

Gneiss which is formed frm the metamorphism of ignous rock is known as orthogneiss and gneiss which is formed from the metamorphism of sedimentary rocks is known as paragneiss.

Why are metamorphic rocksformed by contact metamorphism usually not as dense as those formed by regional metamorphism?

Because contact metamorphism usually occurs because of an increase in temperature. In contrary, regional metamorphism is usually the result of compression. Compression makes a rock more dense.

which rock is only formed by regional metamorphasim?

The heat generated by the magma chamber has changed these sedimentary rocks into the metamorphic rocks marble, quartzite, and hornfels. Regional Metamorphism occurs over a much larger area. This metamorphism produces rocks such as gneiss and schist.

Describe the metamorphism of shale and the rock sequence involved in that metamorphism?

Shale is a sedimentary rock. In increasing metamorphism, the sequence begins with shale and leads to phyllite, schist, then gneiss.

Why are metamorphic rocks formed by contact metamorphism usually not as dense as those formed by regional metamorphism?

Contact metamorphism does not cause profound compaction, which is the reduction in size of the spaces between mineral particles due to increases in pressure. Regional metamorphism causes compaction and possibly recrystallization, increasing the density of the rock.

What does gneiss form into?

There is no grade of metamorphism beyond gneiss. Higher grades of metamorphism mean higher temperature and pressure. Beyond the conditions that form gneiss, temperatures are high enough to melt rock, at which point the resulting rock will be igneous rather than metamorphic.

Which type of metamorphism affects the greatest volumes of rock?

Regional metamorphism

What is gneiss value?

Gneiss is a common metamorphic rock found in many places. I cannot imagine it being valuable to anyone. (but nothing would surprise me any more)