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About the same.

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Q: Is haemoglobin range is same for childrens and adults?
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Are childrens lips redder then adults?

It depends on the skin color but if it is the same yes

Why is haemoglobin red?

haemoglobin is red because is carrys oxygen around our body when blood is in contact with oxygen it turns red same

Is the haemoglobin content same for children and adult?

no its watered down

Are childrens karate belts the same ranks as adults?

It depends on the style of karate and the dojo you do it in, know the style I do (Zanshin Shotokan) kids and adults are ranked the same, there are a few adults on the same belt as me and we are ranked the same, some people think karate is harder for children, and in a way it is but if you are dedicadited you will have no problems, I never had problems myself although loads of other kids do, there are different types of karate like I said so I can only say what its like at my club

Is childrens can become vampires if yes how?

Children become vampires if bitten by a vampire, same as adults. However their minds will be frozen at whatever stage o development they had reached, so may be uncontrollable.

What size is k4 in childrens?

It is the same as 4t

How does Oxycontin show up in a child's urine?

Yes, childrens bodies break down drugs exactly the same as an adults, they may break down the drugs slower or faster, but there will be a period where the drug is detecable in the urine.

Are all childrens clothes the same at most stores?

Basic childrens brands are the same and can be found at almost any department store. However specific brands like childrens place brand is only available at the childrens place. Of course childrens clothes styles are very similar depending on season in almost every store and brand.

Is hemoglobin content for humans same in children and adults?

no its not same in children and adults

Why is haemoglobin converted to cyanmet haemoglobin for the spectrophotometric assay?

When haemoglobin undergoes oxygenation, it changes colour, and this is what gives arterial blood its bright red colour. Since the absorption spectra of oxyhaemoglobin and deoxyhaemoglobin differ, the same concentration of a sample of haemoglobin can give different absorption readings depending on the degree of oxygenation. It is therefore necessary to convery haemoglobin into the stable non-oxygen binding form cyanmethaemoglobin before an accurate measurement can be made by spectrophotometric assay pooooo

Can you live without hemoglobin?

Human Beings cannot live without haemoglobin. Haemoglobin is present in the red blood cells and is important for them to transport oxygen to othet body cells. It allows the blood to carry 100 times more oxygen than same amount of water. If haemoglobin is not present, Human Beings will die of suffocation.

Does carbon monoxide compete with oxygen for the same binding site?

Yes. Carbon monoxide combines with haemoglobin to form carboxyhaemoglobin. This prevents the normal combination of oxygen with haemoglobin, thus depriving cells all round the body of the oxygen they need.