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No, harpooning is not a social engineering attack. Harpooning typically refers to a targeted phishing attack that focuses on specific individuals or companies using tailored emails or messages to deceive them into providing sensitive information. Social engineering attacks, on the other hand, involve manipulating people into giving up confidential information or performing actions that can compromise security.

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Q: Is harpooning a social engineering attack?
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What is social engineering attack?

A social engineering attack is when an attacker manipulates individuals into revealing confidential information or performing actions that compromise security. This can include tactics such as phishing emails, phone calls, or impersonation to exploit human psychology and gain access to sensitive data.

Is Whaling a social engineering attack?

No, whaling refers to a type of phishing scam that targets high-profile individuals or organizations to steal sensitive information or money. It is a form of social engineering, but not all social engineering attacks are considered whaling.

Which Social Engineering attack sends an personalized message to high-ranking individuals?

A spear phishing attack is a type of social engineering attack that sends personalized messages to high-ranking individuals. The goal is to trick the target into revealing sensitive information or taking a specific action, such as clicking a link or downloading a malicious file.

What attack type is most often associated with the use of social engineering?

Phishing is the attack type most often associated with the use of social engineering. It involves tricking individuals into providing sensitive information or taking actions that compromise security, often through deceptive emails or websites.

Social engineering attack?

A social engineering attack involves manipulating individuals into divulging sensitive information or performing actions that compromise security. Attackers often use psychological tactics to deceive or manipulate people, such as phishing emails or phone scams impersonating trusted entities. It is important for individuals to be cautious and aware of potential social engineering tactics to avoid falling victim to such attacks.

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What is social engineering?

A Social Engineering attack is any attempt to get someone to divulge private information.

What is social engineering'?

A Social Engineering attack is any attempt to get someone to divulge private information.

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social engineering

What is social engineering attack?

A social engineering attack is when an attacker manipulates individuals into revealing confidential information or performing actions that compromise security. This can include tactics such as phishing emails, phone calls, or impersonation to exploit human psychology and gain access to sensitive data.

Which social engineering attack sends personalized message to high ranking?


Which Social Engineering attack sends an personalized message to high ranking individuals?


Social Engineering attack sends an personalized message to high-ranking individuals?


Is Whaling a social engineering attack?

No, whaling refers to a type of phishing scam that targets high-profile individuals or organizations to steal sensitive information or money. It is a form of social engineering, but not all social engineering attacks are considered whaling.

Intruders exploring a vulnerability in which no patch is yet available for system vendor?

Social Engineering attack

What guidelines is a measure for preventing a social engineering attack?

Do not use portable storage devices.

Which Social Engineering attack sends an personalized message to high-ranking individuals?

A spear phishing attack is a type of social engineering attack that sends personalized messages to high-ranking individuals. The goal is to trick the target into revealing sensitive information or taking a specific action, such as clicking a link or downloading a malicious file.

What attack type is most often associated with the use of social engineering?

Phishing is the attack type most often associated with the use of social engineering. It involves tricking individuals into providing sensitive information or taking actions that compromise security, often through deceptive emails or websites.