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Yes, an increase in vaginal discharge in early pregnancy it attributed to the formation of the mucus plug.

Increased vaginal discharge could also mean a yeast infection too - don't be alarmed, just visit your doctor. I'm 18 and recently have had excessive discharge, but it was only a bacterial infection!

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14y ago
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15y ago

Though it is not a symptom, it is very common during pregnancy. It's possible; Your symptoms of pregnancy will usually appear anywhere from the first week of your expected period to 1-2 weeks after your first week of expected period. Your first signs of pregnancy most commonly include missed period, tender/swollen breasts, change in color of the breasts, fatigue, nausea/vomiting, increased sense of smell, and weight gain. Here is a link to a website that will calculate the probability of your pregnancy:

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13y ago

Not particularly. A visit to your gynecologist to check it out should be in order if it continues. If you also have itchiness and the discharge is curdled-looking, it might be a yeast infection.

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17y ago

It more than likely means you're ovulating, which means, best time to GET pregnant :)

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20y ago

Possible, take a home test and find out. Postive or negative, you need to call your doctor about being pregnant or exsessive discharge.

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15y ago

Yes, excess creamy discharge could be a sign

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Q: Is having a discharge a sign of pregnancy?
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No as a discharge can never be a sign of pregnancy, a missed period is a sign.

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The week before a period, being pregnant or using oral contraceptives are associated with increased discharge.

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Clear discharge is a sign of---vaginal health! Discharge is never, ever a reliable sign for pregnancy. The only mostly reliable connection with discharge is to ovulation, when the discharge thickens.

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its not posibble tell go see a doctor

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