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"He runs like a squirrel" is a simile because it directly compares the way someone runs to the way a squirrel runs using "like" or "as."

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a simile because it has 'like' in it

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Q: Is he runs like a squirrel a simile or a metaphor?
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What is a simile for a squirrel?

Here is a suggestion (whatever you are comparing) walked like a big black alley cat slanking down a deserted street

He runs like the wind is an example of?

"He runs like the wind" is an example of a metaphor.

What is a word that nust be included in a simile?

A simile uses like or as. egHe runs like the windShe is as slow as a wet week.

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What is a metaphor or similie?

A metaphor is a figure of speech that compares two different things by stating that one thing is another thing. For example, "His voice is music to my ears." A simile is a figure of speech that compares two different things using the words "like" or "as." For example, "She runs as fast as a cheetah."

Is as busy as a bee a simile?

Yes. A simile is any comparison that explicitly uses the word "like" or "as"; for example, "as strong as a bull," "quiet as the grave," or "he runs like the wind." The other common type of comparison is a "metaphor," which does not use those words. Usually they state (superficially) that something IS something else instead of being LIKE something else. For example, "that that linebacker is an absolute beast." So if I say "this beer tastes like horse urine," that's a simile. If I say "this beer is horse urine," that's a metaphor. Since "as busy AS a bee" uses the word "as," it's a simile.

What is the literary term for a word or phrase that describes one thing in terms of another and is not literally true?

A metaphor and simile compare one thing in terms of another, but they do have to be literally true. Metaphor and simile are poetic devices; they are poetic language. As such, they often exaggerate or make comparisons that are meant to show a connection that is poetic, but not the absolute truth. For example, saying, "She runs as fast as a cheetah" is a simile that describes her speed in relationship to a cheetah, but it is not literally true. Whereas, saying, "She is a cheetah" also makes a comparison describing her speed in relationship to a cheetah, but again it is not true.

What is the metaphor about someone who is a fast runner?

You could say - a fast cheetah or a fast dolphin

What does a squirrel do when there is an enemy nearby?

The squirrel runs away.

What is an example of metaphor for me?

A metaphor is a statement that is made that says one thing is something else, but it literally can't be. An example is: "That girl is a cheetah." The reason is that it's saying a girl can be a cheetah when really, she can't. Another would be: "That boy is a rainbow", or "The ice cream is a person." Now if you use 'like' or 'as', it makes it a simile. But that is entirely different; an example of a simile would be "The girl runs like a cheetah", or "He is as fast as a cheetah".Wikipedia uses William Shakespeare's line "All the world's a stage" as an example of a metaphor, explaining that indeed, the world is not a stage. Click on the relatedlink listed below for more detailed information:

What is a simile for answer?

a simile is a comparison to an object, ex: as agile as a cat as angry as a wasp as loud as an elephant he fights like a lion he runs like a cheetah flopping like a fish

What is a simile for a car?

Examples, My car runs like a bear. My car runs like a top. My car can stop on a dime and give you nine cents change.