

Is heavily an adjective

Updated: 9/17/2023
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14y ago

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No, it's an adverb. The adjective is heavy.

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Q: Is heavily an adjective
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Is heavily a collective noun?

No, the word 'heavily' is an adverb, a word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb.Example: He sank heavily into a chair after his ordeal.

Is heavy an adverb?

Not usually. Heavy is an adjective. It modifies a noun. e.g . "a heavy cat." Heavily is an adverb. It modifies a verb. "He sighed heavily." There are, however, rare uses of 'heavy' as an adverb, most commonly where the verbs 'weigh' and 'lie' and 'hang' are used.

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The adjective form of burden is burdened. I traveled with a heavily burdened cart. (Burdened is, of course, a past participle of the verb to burden, but past participles can also be used as adjectives.)

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No. Pants is a noun, or a verb form (to pant).

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The word 'burly' is an adjective, a word that describes a noun as strongly and heavily built. Example:A burly man needs a burly chair for comfort.

What is the superlative of heavily?

The superlative of heavily is "most heavily."

Is the word greatly an adjective or an adverb?

"Great", "greater", and "greatest" are all adjectives, more particularly the normal, comparative, and superlative degrees of the root adjective "great".

Is plodded a preposition?

No, "plodded" is not a preposition. It is a verb that means to walk slowly or heavily with a weary, labored gait.

Is plodding a preposition?

No, plodding is not a preposition. Plodding is a verb that means to walk slowly and heavily with weary steps.

Is traveling an adverb?

No, it is not. Traveling (also travelling) is the present participle of the verb to travel and can be a verb form, a participial, a noun, or an adjective/noun adjunct (as in traveling salesman).

Is heaviest an adverb?

It can be, but only as the superlative form of "heavy" used as an adverb. Heavy, heavier, and heaviest are all normally adjectives. But in some rare uses, both heavy and its comparatives can be used as adverbs. e.g. The snow is falling heavier than before. (more heavily) Time hangs heaviest on their shoulders. (most heavily)

What are the comparative and superlative form of the word heavily?

more heavily, most heavily