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NO, it is found in abundance in the air.

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Q: Is helium dangerous to humans or the environment?
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How are oil tankers dangerous to humans?

oil tankers are dangerous to humans by the pollution of the environment

Will helium kill humans?

An environment of helium could be fatal if it excluded oxygen to the degree that humans would be suffocated. Those squeaky voices in cartoons are often created by people breathing helium before speaking. However, they don't breathe helium for extended periods.

How does sodium lauryl sulfate have risk and benefits for humans or the environment?

Sodium lauryl sulfate is useful for humans and is not dangerous.

What effects does plutonium have on the environment?

Plutonium is toxic and radioactive; a contaminated area is dangerous for humans.

Is helium dangerous yes or no?

No. helium is chemically inert

What can helium do?

Helium can change the tone of a humans voice in an helium-rich atmosphere.

How much helium is in an average human?

helium is not found in humans

Is hydrogen more dangerous than oxygen Why?

Hydrogen is dangerous than Helium because Hydrogen is a stronger gas than Helium.

Which mammal is the most dangerous?

Humans would be the most dangerous because we kill almmost everything. We make tons of animals endangered because of hunting and environment lost.

Is helium good for the environment?

Firstly, helium is NON- TOXIC. Helium is useful to mankind as it is used in cryogenics, deep-sea breathing systems, blowing up balloons, providing the lightweight in airships etc. Breathing in a small amount of helium will temporarily increase the pitch of your voice (no harm), however, excessive inhaling of helium is dangerous as it may cause death by asphyxiation within minutes!

How is alcohol a threat to the environment?

Alcohol is a dangerous threat to humans. It spoils their health, crushes many families once you get addicted to it.

What conditions would oil be least effective or would be dangerous as an energy source?

It is really only dangerous to the environment if it is used. Although, it can be harmful if it spills and there are humans nearby or right there.