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Hollow point ammunition is not specially banned by name by the Geneva Convention. However,

HR Article 23 Paragraph (e) states : "It is especially forbidden to employ arms, projectiles, or material calculated to cause unnecessary suffering." US DoD interpretation of this article (FM 27-10, Law of Land Warfare, paragraph 34(b)) states: "… the illegality of the use of barbed lances, irregular shaped bullets and projectiles fill with glass, the use of any substance on bullets that would tend unnecessarily to inflame the wounds inflicted by them, and the scoring of the surface or filing off the ends of the hard cases of bullets."

So interpretation if hollow point bullets meet the criteria set forth under "filing off the ends of the hard cases of bullets" as mentioned above. Of note, in the 1990s, some DoD SJA members noted that hollow point may be used in some counter-terrorism cases as non-state actors in those events are not signatories to the Hague or Geneva Conventions.

The Hague Convention of 1899, Declaration III, prohibits the use in international warfare of bullets which easily expand or flatten in the body.

The crucial point is "warfare".

They are legal for hunting and in some situations (inside an aircraft as an example, self defence and law enforcement) where it is preferential to contain the round.

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Q: Is hollow point ammunition banned by Geneva convention?
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Can us military us hollow point ammo?

No, due to the Hague Convention (which predates the Geneva Convention) signatory nations may not use ammunition which makes death inevitable or causes undue suffering. Expanding ammunition (such as hollow points) are held to fall into this category.

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Military ammunition has crimped primer pockets for waterproofing and cannot use anything but ball bullets as specified in the Geneva convention. While civilian ammo has a wide variety of bullets, hollow points, solid lead, etc... and smooth primer pockets.

What is hard ball ammunition?

Ball ammunition has a solid copper or steel jacket (full metal jacket), completely covering the bullets core, usually made of lead. The base, or back of the bullet can be exposed lead. If the base is jacketed in metal as well, it's known as a total metal jacket. The Geneva convention dictates that all small arms ammunition used in armed conflict be ball ammo, in order to avoid the truly catastrophic injuries that result from hollow point, poisoned, cross tipped, soft point,etc...

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They are not "so accurate". Standard pointed rounds are more accurate. Hollowpoints are used because they flatten on impact and this cause a lot of damage to the victim, but tend not to penetrate walls, etc., thus fewer injuries to bystanders. Edit: What the person wrote above me is incorect. Although hollow points in bullets can be utilized so that "mushrooming" (A bullet expanding in its terminal state) it can also be used for accuracy. A HPBT (Hollow point boat tail) Is a type of bullet. This is known as a spitzer type bullet. It is used in rifles because it changes the location of the center of gravity helping the bullet stay stable in the flight pattern. Backing up my facts:The Geneva Convention BANNED Hollow points from being used because they deemed them inhumane. It stated hollowpoints are made so they expand and cause unessesary suffering. Rifle bullets (HPBT spitzer type) use to counter attack terrorist snipers are the exception to the rule because the hollow point isn't designed to aid in mushrooming, in fact it doesnt even HELP mushrooming that much. The bullets are hollow point to aid in accuracy as noted earlier :D EDIT: Hollow points are NOT banned by the Geneva Conventions. They are banned from warfare by the Hague Convention. The Geneva Conventions do not discuss hollow points. Yes, hollow point bullets can be more accurate than non-hollow points, primarily in rifles, because the hollow moves the center of gravity slightly to the rear. Such bullets are often called Open Tip Match (OTM) to differentiate them.

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Where would secondary explosives typically be location in a piece of ammunition?

Bursting charges

What type of ammunition does a .380 pistol use?

.380 auto ammunition can be a "ball" style bullet or metal jacketed hollow point.

Are hollow point bullets prohibited in warfare by the Geneva Conventiion?

Indirectly, yes.

Is hollow point ammunition legal in Kansas?

As far as I know, New Jersey is the only state that restricts hollow point ammo.

What prohibits the use of poison hollow-point bullets bacterial weapons or poisoned weapons in combat?

The best answer to this would be the Hague Convention which bans (among other things) expanding ammunition, and any other type of ammunition which would cause 'undue suffering' or make death from an injury inevitable rather than simply possible or likely.