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actually, it truly depends on the type of rock the metamorphic rock formed from.

in other words, if it formed from a rock that held basalt in it, the rock has basalt in it.

remember that a metamorphic rock can be formed by more than two different types of rock (such as metamorphic quartz, slate, "fool's gold", plus granite).

it does not matter which class the metamorphic rock formed from (but if a m.

rock such as m. quartz, there is more likely a chance of finding a trace of basalt), as long as it formed from two different class of rock (this does not always apply, for there can be a metamorphic rock made from two or more metamorphic rocks).

i would get into geodes......

but that's another answer. :)

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14y ago

No. Basalt is an intrusive igneous rock.

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It is an fine grained, mafic, igneous rock

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12y ago

Basalt is an igneous rock, but not all igneous rock is basalt. Marble is an example of a metamorphic rock.

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11y ago

Sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic are types of rock (you can look up definitions, if you want). Basalt is a type of igneous rock.

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Q: What is basalt sedimentary ignous or metamorphic?
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Non-foliated metamorphic, organic sedimentary, and extrusive igneous, respectively.

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The types of rocks are sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic.

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