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The word immediate, meaning "at that given moment", is an adjective.

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13y ago

The word immediately, meaning "at that given moment" is an adverb.

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Q: Is immediately an adjective
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Is immediately an adverb?

Yes. It can modify a verb or an adjective. It is the adverb form of the adjective immediate.

Does immediately have a suffix?

No, "immediately" does not have a suffix. It is a standalone adverb formed from the adjective "immediate."

Should you capitalize the first letter immediately following a colon?

no, not unless its a proper noun or adjective.

What is the adverb form of immediate?

The adverb form of the adjective immediate is immediately (right now, without delay).

What part of the speech is the word immediately?

It is an adverb for example- "He ran immediately after swimming in the Iron Man race."

What part of speech is the word subtle?

The word "subtle" can function as both an adjective and a noun. As an adjective, it describes something delicate or not immediately obvious. As a noun, it refers to a slight variation or nuance.

Is instant an adjective?

Yes, it can be (instant gratification, instant coffee).The adjective is based on the noun instant, meaning a very short period of time. A similar noun is instantaneous (occurring in an instant, or immediately).

What's the word for something that is not connected correctly?

The adjective form is "misconnected", with no immediately-apparent synonyms. In electrical systems, the word "cross-wired" is used.

What part of speech is refund?

Refund is a noun because it is a thing, a verb because it is an action, and an adjective because it can modify a noun. Are you going to receive a refund? (noun) I want you to refund my money immediately. (verb) When are the refund checks being mailed? (adjective)

Is court ordered hyphenated?

Yes, "court-ordered" is hyphenated when used as an adjective before a noun. For example: The court-ordered injunction was effective immediately.

Is soon a verb?

No, the word 'soon' (sooner, soonest) is an adverb, a word used to modify a verb, an adjective or another adverb.Example functions:We will open soon. (modifies the verb 'will open')All of the soon obsolete models are on sale. (modifies the adjective 'obsolete')We'll be there soon enough. (modifies the adverb 'enough')

What can turn two words into one and make a descriptive adjective?

One answer that comes immediately to mind is Read and Able - forming the word readable. There must be many many more.