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It can be. If you had a glass cylinder 35 feet tall, sealed at the top and filled with water, with the base of the cylinder in an open pool of water, the vacuum at the top of the cylinder combined with the normal air pressure at the bottom could support the water up to 32 feet high, or 384 inches high. "Normal" air pressure is about 14.7 PSI (Pounds per Square Inch) , so you could use "inches of water" to measure small changes in pressure instead of measuring in PSI.

But in all my physics classes, I don't think I've ever seen anything measured that way.

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Q: Is inches of water column used to measure gas pressure instead of psig?
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10 inches of water column equals to how much gas pressure?

Why pressure is measure in mmHg?

All science uses the metric system for measurements. Meters instead of feet, centimeters instead of inches. A person has to learn the "language" of science.

If pressure is stated in inches that means inches of what?

Inches of mercury. It is so named because it originates from a certain pressure measurement tool that includes a column of liquid mercury.

In what is air pressure often measure in?


What is 5 ounces of gas pressure to inches water column?

8.75 iwc

How much pressure would 11 inches of water column be?

.4 psi

How many inches of water column per pound of natural gas pressure?

14 inches equals one pound of natural gas pressure

How do you measure negative pressure?

negative pressure is measured in negative inches of mercury

Why is the value of atmospheric pressure compared to mercury?

Mercury is used in barometers as it is a dense liquid that allows small changes in atmospheric pressure to be measured accurately. The height of the mercury column in the barometer is directly related to the atmospheric pressure. By comparing atmospheric pressure to the height of mercury in a barometer, the pressure can be quantified in units of millimeters or inches of mercury.

How many ounces of gas pressure is 14 inches of water column?

8 ounces

Whether mmof water column unit is higher unit then mm of hg?

since mercury (Hg) is much more dense than water, x mm of Hg is a higher pressure than x inches of water column (in wc) or x mm of water column.Inches of water and millimeters of mercury are both the measure of pressure by equating the pressure to a height of a column of fluid (pressure-fluid height relationship) and thus, the density of the fluid greatly affects the pressure measurement.

7 inches water column equal how many PSI?

1 psig is equivalent to 51.71 mm (2 in) of mercury or to approx 700 mm (27.5 in) of water. Technically one cannot have apsig. Psig represents a pressure reading of the pressure above normal atmospheric pressure of 14.7 psi. You mean a psi.