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It is just Fiona Wood

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Q: Is ir Fiona Wood or Fiona Woods?
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Is it Fiona woods or Fiona wood?

yes just fiona wood

What is Fiona woods full name?

Fiona Wood's full name is Fiona Melanie Wood.

Who are Fiona woods siblings?

Fiona Wood, a British-Australian physician and plastic surgeon, has never said if she had any siblings.

Why is Fiona wood a famous scientist?

Fiona Woods is famous for inventing spray on skin for burn victims.

What is Dr Fiona Woods date of birth?

Dr. Fiona Wood was born on February 2, 1958.

What is dr Fiona woods occupation?

fiona woods ocupations are working at a hospital

What is Fiona Wood famous for?

Fiona Woods is famous for inventing spray on skin for burn victims. This allows a special type of chemical to replace the burn injury with skin.

What is Dr Fiona Woods husbands name?

Tony Keirath, whom she married in 1986. They have a family of six children.

What did Fiona wood discover?

what did dr Fiona wood discover what did dr Fiona wood discover

What did Fiona Wood discover and invent?

Fiona Woods (famous plastic surgeon) discovered and invented the spray on skin. This was used for burns victims and was a spray that was made of skin cells.

What are Fiona woods siblings?

Fiona Wood is the inventor of Spray on Skin. She has never stated if she has any siblings. She is the current director of the Royal Perth Hospital burn unit.

What impact does dr Fiona woods have on your society?

Dr Fiona Wood impacted on society in several different ways but if it wasn't for Fiona the scientists today wouldn't know as much about tissue engineering and skin culturing as they do today.