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It's dependent on how you use the word "wrong".

If we're speaking strictly on moral grounds, it would be an opinion.

If wrong refers to "against the rules", then you would have to look at the rule book. If the rule book indicated such a thing, it would be a fact.

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Q: Is it a fact or an opinion that copying homework assignments is wrong?
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Is it a fact or an opinion that copying homework assignments wrong?

It's dependent on how you use the word "wrong". If we're speaking strictly on moral grounds, it would be an opinion. If wrong refers to "against the rules", then you would have to look at the rule book. If the rule book indicated such a thing, it would be a fact.

What to do if you did the wrong page of homework?

The only thing you can do is to tell your teacher and ask if you can still do the right assignment. To avoid that situation, keep a homework folder and write down all your assignments daily.

How do you make your friend stop copying?

To stop copying you, at home just ignore it or do normal things that are not attracting to the person copying and keep with the act throughout the day. If on tests or homework, one can fill in or write down the wrong answer then when the friend is not looking, change the answer to the correct one.... works every time.

Is homework awesome?

There isn't an answer that is right or wrong. It is just your opinion of if it is awesome or not. Different people think different things. I think that it wastes your time as you could be playing games instead so I don't think it is awesome but that is my opinion so I am not right or wrong.

Is copying homework assignments wrong?

Cheating is wrong, yes.You are stealing work that someone else has doneYou are lying and saying you are doing the work yourselfYou are not learning what you need to learn in the class

Isn't it faster to look in your textbook for answers for your homework than post a question on WikiAnswers and wait for someone's opinion or perhaps wrong answer?

Our focus is building a huge database of questions with customized, updated answers along with providing a community. So maybe, someday, if a student were to ask WikiAnswers a question before researching it in their textbooks, it will already be in our database with a correct, quality answer and they would not have to wait to receive an answer.Our focus is not providing answers to the homework of students. However, with a question and answer site, you are bound to have lots of Q&A that originated from homework assignments and will probably eventually serve as the primary source of answers for homework assignments. We are not here to help students cheat. Besides, most schools do have ways to determine whether or not any part of a student's homework assignment has been plagiarized or directly copied from WikiAnswers.But think about it this way, too: Maybe the student has already found the answer in their textbook, but they ask it on WikiAnswers to see if they were right or wrong, or to see if anyone else knows the answer. Or maybe it's a question that is more opinion-based and the student wants to know how other people would respond to the topic in question. You never know exactly what the circumstances were or the motivation was for the person who asks anyquestion on a wiki.

Why is it wrong to copy and paste work?

In and of itself. Copying and pasting isn't wrong. If you want to paste something for personal use, or you want to move stuff in a document you are writing, then there is nothing wrong with it. However, when it comes to school assignments or to original stuff you are writing, copying and pasting material you don't own to use for yourself is being intellectually dishonest.If you mean on Answers, then the main problem is that the material is not original, and nothing new. Also, copying another site's work is illegal and a form of stealing. So we remove or extensively rewrite such content when we find it. Any users who engage in this are warned not to continue doing it unless they want to be blocked.

Is it wrong to kill someone - or is this just an Opinion?

Technically it is an opinion but legally it is wrong.

What is the disadvantage of class homework?

The advantages and disadvantages of homeworkMost K-12 teachers assign their students homework assignments. By homework assignments, I do not mean reading assignments. Homework assignments include problems, short essays, worksheets, and projects. Some teachers assign homework assignments on a daily basis while others may only assign it once in a while. In general, college instructors tend to assign homework more rarely. There are both advantages and disadvantages to assigning homework assignments.The main advantage of assigning homework is that homework assignments help a student review the material covered in class. There is an old saying that "practice makes perfect." Also, homework assignments allow the teacher to cover some additional material that he or she did not have time to cover in class. In order for the homework assignment to be effective, it has to be well crafted. For example, writing an essay would be far more effective than doing a crossword puzzle. Some students often learn best by doing; these students would benefit a lot from homework assignments such as research projects on a specific topic.On the other hand, homework assignments are often viewed as "busy work". The issue is that homework can be very time consuming and stressful for some students. Teachers often assign an excessive amount of homework to their students. Also, many teachers can assign homework assignments in the same time period. Homework can also interfere with students' test preparation time. Homework tends to be disadvantageous to students who have a good understanding of the classroom material and to students with poor organization skills.Often, the problem is not the homework assignment itself but the excessive length of the homework assignment. Students may benefit from completing 1-10 conceptually different math problems each night; however, a problem set of 100 quadratic equations may be excessive and counterproductive.If you are a parent who thinks that your child's teacher is assign poor homework assignments or excessive homework, talk to the teacher and try to address the issue. Many parents have raised concerned on the issue. The article, "Summer homework may burn out honors students", provides a good example.A homework help tutor can help students build a homework schedule and improve his or her organization skills.2-Disadvantages:-Many students travel over holidays - If some students already have their time committed to something else, they would be unfairly penalized by having to do the same work in less time.-Having to do school work over break may mean that students are still tired of school when they come back from break, as opposed to being refreshed and ready to start learning again.-Assigning a big project with no chance for checking progress along the way can be tough for some students. If a student decides to do the totally wrong thing with their project, they won't know until after they turn it in.3-The disadvantages of increased homework loadsBy Etta Kralovec and John BuellIncreasingly, students and their parents are being told that homework must take precedence over family and community activities. But what effect is this having on our children?As the homework load increases (and studies show it isincreasing), family priorities are neglected. Yet belief in the value of homework is so firmly entrenched that most families accept the sacrifice necessary for their children to complete this nightly ritual.Time spent on homework has increased significantly for six- to eight-year-olds, for example, according to a US study, which compared children's schedules in 1981 and 1997. Yet other studies conclude that there is no link between the amount of time spent studying and grades or test scores. And some experts suggest that homework at the primary level may even be counterproductive. They believe that much of the mindless work of homework is simply not useful. In contrast, more complex homework seen at higher year levels often demands supervision by trained educators - not by parents, who may be limited in their ability to help their children complete assignments, which can lead to confusion and stress between parent and child. Teachers, often overburdened themselves, may assign as homework whatever is left unfinished at the end of the school day. Homework of this sort transfers the responsibility of education from the school to the family.4-First of all, you get a zero on the homework assingment, second is that it could affect your overall grade ofr the class. BUT! you will be happy because you didn't do any homework

Should students be given assignments that they need to complete at home?

WikiAnswers is not going to write your assignment for you - that's cheating, and it's wrong

Is callum Campbell's opinion wrong?

YES Callum Campbell's opinion is totally wrong

How do you curb students from plagiarizing in their assigments or homework?

The only way is to punish them when they do. Some kids just don't have a good sense of what's right and what's wrong, so they don't see any harm in just copying stuff over from somewhere else.