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I know that your breasts will become sore and your nipples and the skin around them will change color.

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Q: Is it a symptom of pregnancy for your breasts to be sore and turn a mottled strange color?
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Is it a symptom of pregnancy if your breasts have a throbbing pain that comes and goes?

Hello, It can be yes. But a sharp pain is not a pregnancy symptom.

Is it a symptom of pregnancy if your breasts go tight and brown around the nipples?

It could be.

Why are your breasts still sore and you are on your period?

Breast tenderness is a common menstrual symptom. If you are not using birth control, take a pregnancy test, as it is also a symptom of pregnancy.

If your breast hurts around the nipple area and sides of your breasts are you pregnant?

This is a pregnancy symptom, however it is also a symptom that your period is about to arrive. Take a pregnancy test if you miss your period

You have every symptom of pregnancy except the sore breasts does that mean you can still be pregnant?

ummm...yes...go get a pregnancy test.

Are the sore breasts in the earliest stages of pregnancy a result of the HCG hormone?

Yes there are. Every pregnancy symptom is a result of the HCG hormone hun.

What are pregnancy symptoms if you are over 40?

The first symptom is a missed period. Then sore breasts, bloating, and nausea.

Can lower back pain along with nausea and swollen breasts be a symptom of pregnancy Due for pms today has not come?

Yes. Take a pregnancy test

How long after fertilization do experience pregnancy symptom?

Three days Before my missed period I was experiencing nausea, tired, and had sore breasts!

If you make out and have sore breasts after 4 days from your ovulation could it possibly be pregnancy symptom?

Um....unless you have had sex you wouldnt be pregnant!

Is a symptom of being pregnant is tender nipples?

Yes.Tender breasts and nipples is one of the first signs of pregnancy many women notice after they conceive.

Is it normal to have pregnancy symptoms if you are not pregnant?

Some things are the same as when you are pre-menstrual so not it's not strange depending on what symptom we are talking about.