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Q: Is it a year the same for all planets?
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Are day's year's and season's the same on all planets?

No, they are real different from Earth.

Why are all the planets the same size?

The planets of our solar system are most definitely NOT all the same size.

What is a year called for all eight planets?

it would be the average of all of all the planets .

How are all the inner gas planets the same?

there are no inner gas planets only outer gas planets but they are the same because they all have rings, they are all made of gas.

What other planets have the same attributes as mars?

all planets.

What is the circumfrance of all the planets?

All of the planets in this universe are different. Some of them may have a same number. I'm am very positive that all planets in the universe do not have the same Diameter or Circumference.

Do all planets and satellites lie the same gravitational layer?

Do all planets and satellites lie on the same gravitational layer?

Why aren't all the planets same colour?

all planets arent the same color because they are all made up of different things

What is the oldest planet in solar system?

All planets were formed around the same time.

Are all stars and planets are about the same age?

All of the planets are in the same atmosphere. All of the planets are unique. All of the planets are considered planets. All of the planets have moons. All of the planets are named after a mythical person or thing.

Which among the planets in your solar system is the oldest?

In all probability, all the planets are about the same age. They formed around the same time as all of the other planets give or take a few million years.