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Q: Is it alright to eat lion fish?
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What does an asiatic lion eats?

the eat fish , animals the eat fish , animals

What do Australian sea lion eat?

They eat fish

What do Australian sea lion do?

They eat fish

What do lion fish eat?

they eat shrimp, crabs, and small fish such as: Minos, goldfish and etc. they can also eat gazell fish.

What fish will a shark never eat?

There are many fish that sharks would not eat. For example, jellyfish, lion fish and stone fish.

What fish eat the Damsel fish?

Most predatory fish like stone fish or lion fish eat damselfish. These fish are great replacements for feeder fish.

What does the Australian sea lion eat?

it eats fish

Where does the lionfish gets its food?

The lion-fish eat small fish, crustaceans, banded coral shrimp, and crabs. Whilst in captivity, Lion-fish are trained to eat frozen Brine Shrimp, and Krill

How are seals eaten?

* whales * sharks * sea lion

What are some enemies of the sea monkey?

Lion fish eat them.

Do sharks eat lion fish?

Yes, the great white does.

What does sea lion eat?

Sea Lion eat Fish, Squid and Sea Bird.Sea lions enjoy a varied diet. Their food consists of octopus, squid, herring, salmon, and sardines. They can eat this variety because they have 34 razor sharp teeth that allow them to chew through many things.Sea Lion eat Fish, Squid and Sea