

Best Answer

Much of what scientists learn cannot be used -- it's called research, and in research, every wrong answer leads you one step closer to the right one.

Here are more opinions:

  • It isn't necessary but it is very helpful. You never know what will be useful sometime in your life. Anything you learn, even if it's not science, can turn out to be useful.
  • Though it is true most of the stuff you learn in science class is helpful (or at least gives you more knowledge of specific things), not all of it will be used in your everyday life, or even at all. For example, if you don't have a job that works with DNA, you won't have to use/apply the knowledge of separating alleles.
  • It is your choice. If you think it's useful, it's useful. If you don't, it won't. But I think it's useful.
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Q: Is it always necessary that what you learn in science is useful?
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