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It may be at times.

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Q: Is it always serious when you get bit by brown recluse?
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What is the main danger of brown recluse spider?

getting bit

Are brown recluse spiders aggressive?

No, they are retiring and secretive (hence: "Recluse"). They are not aggressive biters, but if you are bit, it is serious and needs immediate medical attention. Chances of death are actually very small, but on the other hand, it is no ordinary spider bite, either.

The Brown Recluse Spider is 5mm to 12mm Is that including their legs or not?

The size of 5 to 12 mm is the "body size" of the adult Brown Recluse, not its leg spread. The largest are a bit smaller than a dime.

Would a black widow or a brown recluse win a fight?

the brown recluse would win because of the scaring and the blue red discoloration: answer- actually I just put these two spiders in the same container and watched them fight to the death. The brown recluse didn't really do anything, but the black widow spun its web and when the brown recluse got stuck inside of i, it was game over.. the black widow attacked the brown recluse by stabbing it with it's back legs and then bit it multiple times. Now the black widow is posted up in the corner of the container full.

When brown recluse spiders bite a dog does it create a black hole where they bit and does it make them swell?

i dont know exactly but i will look into it!!!! Why??

Are brown recluse spiders harmful or helpful?

They are extremely poisonous, and if bit, you need to seek treatment immediately. They are one of the more venomous spiders and nothing to fool with. Individuals have died from the bite of a recluse spider. The bites are most dangerous to young children.

What siperders can kill you by their bit?

The two most famous and venomous are probably the Black Widow and Brown Recluse (or Violin Spider). Their venom is powerful and may be fatal if untreated.

What is this bug its got 6 legs and is grey in color it bit me last night and the bite stung for hours?

Brown recluse spiders can sometimes be grey in color. A bite from one of these insects can sting for hours.

Can a spider bite reappear?

Yes...I had a brown recluse bite several years ago. Now I get an itch bump where the spider bit me. It gets painful right before the itch bump appears again.

What will a brown recluse spider bight look like on the first day?

It will look like maybe a little dot with a bit of red swollen a bit, or it may look like two little bite marks on the area with red swollen area or if its just happned no red swollen area

What colors will make ivory?

White with a very tiny bit of brown. You can get a nice ivory with a tiny bit of yellow in there too...but always massive amounts of white.

When comparing the brown recluse spider to the blak widow spider how are they alike?

They actually aren't very alike at all. Brown recluse spiders are of the family Sicariidae. They have necrotic venom. Necrotic venom causes tissue death, hence why victims of brown recluse bites often have large, gaping wounds where they were bit. Deaths occurring from brown recluse bites are usually not due to the bite or venom, but because of infection in the wound. Both males and females are equally venemous. There is currently no antivenom for brown recluse bites. Black widows are of the family Theridiidae. Their venom is neurotoxic. Instead of killing tissue, neurotoxic venom attacks the body's systems, acting at the junction of motor nerves, muscles, and peripheral nerves causing increasing pain and difficulty breathing because of severe chest pain. Only females are large enough to pierce human skin. There is an antivenom for black widow bites, however many people are just as allergic to it as they are the bite itself. These patients have to stay in the hospital for weeks and wait out the effects of the venom until it passes.