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The necklace has an association with a collar - as to a dog either via bond or control or protection of the master. In terms when a chain breaks it is believed that a bond will be broken....bad or good - it may relate to work such as no longer employed or freedom from a boss as he may be going out giving you freedom with a new boss or to step into that role. Also in relationships.....a boy in the U.S. would give his high school ring for all to see on his girlfriends necklace....hence stating his status or protection/etc...if the chain is to break means that the relationship will soon end. Is there truth to these yes and no.

Young love is fickle and employment changes as we pursue advancement in careers.... the honesty is the common action of nervous people about the status or security of their relationships well most finger or toy with these items distressing the jewelry causing the break. So is the superstition valid there is a term called yank my chain--no you must thing the relationship was troubled to start this creates unaware abuse or neglect of the item - no chain either relationship of personal matter or work can be continuously stressed or abused without breaking --but if in a good place we revere and take better care ensuring the necklace doesn't get broken.

Jewelry is delicate and takes uppermost care as with all relationship and if we fail to do so it states the actual relationship sense of failure ---hence why people associate a broken relationship a chain to another as a symbol of break-up. In work there is the term chain of command and love chains or bonds of love. Relax - as nothing in life is meant to be permanent - it also mean in the recesses of our minds we need to defuse the instability with our relationships but what is broken you have a choice repair the necklace or replace with one much better ---All superstitions are rooted in reducing the pain and noticing our emotional insecurities to allow us to focus on the realism of the world to be honest the quality of the chain may not be good as with any relationship did you invest in a good relationship? or if bought for yourself did you invest in you very well?

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