

Best Answer

Anybody who uses sex toys for sex pleasure. The same can be utilised by anybody like a man who intercourses any women.

Another perspective:

There are two basic problems with this.

1) Using another person's sex toys (aside from being disrespectful) is an unsanitary practice, even with the most diligent cleaning.

2) The fact that it is your mother's is creepy on a whole other level, and smacks of incest. Do you really want to think about where they've been?

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What do you do with bad kids?

Kids aren't "bad" -- but they sometimes do bad things. We all need to understand that "actions have consequences". That means that when kids do something good, they need praise and thanks. And when they do something bad, they need an appropriate penalty. That means the penalty should help them to learn about why what they did was wrong. For example, if the child doesn't clean up her toys and daddy has to do it, the penalty could be that daddy puts them somewhere that she can't get to them for a few days.

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Will they are the persons who come every January 5th to bring you the toy what you have alway's wanted in your life.But if you are always being noddy will to bad they won't give you toys only the kids who been really nice and believe in them.

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nothing bad happens, they come back, but the person who was left at the altar is mad at them when they come back home.

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