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It's not bad but it hurts. Try a makeup remover, you can get them anywhere.

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3mo ago

Yes, it is not recommended to wash off eye makeup with hand soap as it can be too harsh for the delicate skin around the eyes. Using a gentle eye makeup remover specifically designed for the eyes is a safer and more effective option.

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Q: Is it bad to wash off eye makeup with hand soap?
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Continue Learning about Biology

Does hand sanitizer kill sickness viruses?

Yes, hand sanitizer can kill certain sickness viruses, including the flu virus and coronaviruses, when used correctly. It is important to choose a hand sanitizer with an alcohol content of at least 60% to effectively kill germs. However, hand sanitizer may not be as effective against certain viruses like norovirus.

Is it bad for hand sanitizer to get in a vagina?

Yes, it can cause irritation and imbalance in the vagina's natural flora, leading to discomfort and potential infections. It is not recommended to use hand sanitizer in this way.

Is competition good or bad for organisms?

Competition can be both good and bad for organisms. On one hand, competition can drive individuals to improve their efficiency and adaptability, leading to the evolution of stronger and more resilient species. On the other hand, intense competition can result in a higher risk of extinction or loss of resources for some organisms, ultimately impacting their survival and well-being.

How do you get rid of bad taste in your mouth due to Periodontal disease?

Regularly brush and floss your teeth to remove bacteria and food particles that may be contributing to the bad taste. Use an antimicrobial mouthwash to help kill bacteria. See your dentist for proper treatment and management of your periodontal disease to address the underlying cause of the bad taste.

What do some hand signs mean?

Hand signs can convey various meanings based on cultural, social, or personal contexts. For example, the peace sign (V-shaped) can signal peace or victory, while a thumbs-up gesture typically denotes approval or agreement. In other cases, hand signs can hold specific meanings within a certain group or community, such as gang signs or sign language used by individuals with hearing impairments.

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no, it is not bad, unless you eat it. just wash it off with soap and water.

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Is it bad to wash a car with body soap?

What do you mean by body soap? Soap that is in bar form, or soap that in a bottle like body wash? Bar soap could pick up sand and grit that might scratch the finish. Body wash is a mild abrasive but I have never heard of anybody using it for washing a car but I assume that a slight clouding of the clear coat is possible. If you have access to dish soap (detergent) it is the best improvised automotive soap.

Is it bad to add fabric softeners to a wash cycle?

It isn't really bad, but it does reduce how effective they are. The soap will wash away most of the softener. It is much more effective when it is added during the rinse cycle, as intended.

Is it bad to give a puppy a bath with hand soap?

yes I'm pretty sure

Is makeup bad for your skin?

Make up is only bad for your skin when you don't wash it off thoroughly at night. You should take make up off with either soap and water or make up remover wipes. If you leave make up on your skin it can start becoming covered in spots.

Can you wash a dog with Ajax?

No! NEVER! they have dog wash for a reason! Some dogs can have bad allergic reactions to human soaps or if it gets in there eyes it will hurt them or they will act out in frustration. If you were to wash your dog with any human soap it should be baby wash.

Antibiotics What do we use to fight bad bacteria?

WE fight bad bacteria when we wash are hands, so it's a good idea to use soap and water when you wash them and scrub to wipe them clean! So to get to the strait answer, we use antibiotics, such as, soap, bleach, (don't use on skin; it WILL burn) anything that cleans things. I hope this helps!

Is it bad to get soap in your mouth?

Yes, it is not recommended to ingest soap as it can irritate the mouth, throat, and stomach, causing discomfort or potential harm. If you accidentally get soap in your mouth, rinse your mouth thoroughly with water to remove any residue.

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Too bad!You will have to wash tub and scrub it with soap. Use Borax.You should pick out the worms with pliers!

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when u wash your dick off it cleans all the vigina off