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Q: Is it better to drop a class or fail and retake?
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If you fail 9th grade algebra do you fail school?

No, you will probably just have to retake that class.

What Happens If you Fail a 7th grade placement test by a small amount but still have a B plus in the class do you get held back and retake the class?

You might get held back and retake the class. Depends on what school you go to.

If you fail a class that is not needed to graduate high school should you retake it?

It is not technically necessary, but if the class is one that you think you might use in college, you should retake it. Ask your guidance counsellor or teachers to help you decide which choice would be best for you.

How bad do you have to be to retake 4th grade?

You have to fail everything

What state was described in your text as the progressive state par excellence?

How about you actually read the text book. Or better yet, drop the class. You're probably going to fail anyways.

What can you do if you fail a test?

ask your teacher to retake it or study for the next time!

How do you Change fail into pass?

well it depends what kind of fail and pass you mean if you fail a test for example study and retake it and you might pass

What happens if you don't pass?

Finals are averaged with your other grades earned. If your grades overall are low, you could fail the entire class and need to retake it. If you fail finals that encompass all courses in high school and averaging with other grades turns out too low to "pass", legally and ethically, you should be made to retake the entire year / all classes.

What happens if you don't pass finals?

Finals are averaged with your other grades earned. If your grades overall are low, you could fail the entire class and need to retake it. If you fail finals that encompass all courses in high school and averaging with other grades turns out too low to "pass", legally and ethically, you should be made to retake the entire year / all classes.

If you retake o level Chinese but fail can you take back the previous result?

No, if you retake the O level Chinese and fail again, you cannot revert to the previous result. The new result will replace the previous one, whether it is better or worse.

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why did they drop-a-crop plan fail

Does the i drive safely's permit exam let you retake for free if you fail?

no you have to pay again