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Difficult isn't the word I would use. It is impossible to draw meaningful conclusions without careful observation and experimentation, and it would be dangerous to try, because there be the monsters of error in those waters. You might get lucky once, but it isn't about luck. Guessed answers aren't useful, and answers not based on observation and experiement are nothing more than guesses.

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Drawing meaningful conclusions without careful experimentation can be challenging because the results may be influenced by various factors that were not controlled for. However, in some cases, preliminary insights or trends can still be identified based on observation or existing data. It is important to be cautious and consider the limitations when interpreting such conclusions.

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Q: Is it difficult to draw meaningful conclusions without very careful experimentation?
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Is experimentation the most time consuming activity in science?

Experimentation can be time-consuming in science, as it often involves careful planning, setup, data collection, and analysis. However, other activities in science, such as literature review, data analysis, and writing up results, can also be time-consuming. The importance of experimentation depends on the specific research question and goals of a study.

What is sound reasoning?

Sound reasoning is the process of thinking logically and drawing conclusions based on facts, evidence, and careful analysis rather than emotions or biases. It involves using valid arguments and sound principles to arrive at a well-supported and reasonable conclusion. Sound reasoning is an essential skill in critical thinking and decision-making.

What is the scientific attitude of Andre Marie Ampere?

Andre Marie Ampere was a French mathematician and physicist who is known for his work in electromagnetism. He approached his work with a rigorous and methodical scientific attitude, relying on experimentation and observation to develop his theories. Ampere's dedication to precise measurement and careful analysis of data contributed to his significant contributions to the field of electromagnetism.

Is it impossible to disappear?

It is not impossible to disappear, but doing so without a trace is very challenging. Advanced technology and surveillance systems make it increasingly difficult to vanish completely. However, with careful planning and resources, it is still possible to go off the grid and start a new life.

Why must you be careful when using such a thermometer?

It's important to be careful when using a thermometer to avoid breakage or injury. Some thermometers contain mercury, which is toxic if ingested or inhaled. Avoid shaking the thermometer, keep it out of reach of children, and always handle it gently to prevent accidents.

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Experimentation means trying something to see what happens. When this is done by scientists, experiments can be complex, and very careful measurements and observations are used to learn as much as possible. Nonetheless, they are still trying something to see what happens.

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Faulty conclusions may be drawn when they're based upon too few facts or observations. In science, a conclusion is arrived at after a careful search for available, reliable information. That information is dependable when it's based on the careful trial and error recording of experiments, interviews and observations.

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science- is a systematized body of knowledge based on careful observation and experimentation to searched the truth -came from latin word scire means to know

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Aristotle was not an experimentalist in the modern sense. His philosophical approach focused more on observation, logic, and deduction rather than conducting controlled experiments to test hypotheses. His method involved careful examination of the natural world and drawing conclusions based on his observations and reasoning.

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