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Its all depending on the career your wanting to pursue. Math as far as algebra is not used in many jobs which is really a waste of time if your not pursuing a career with this skill. Science there are plenty of jobs, there are many different scientific fields you can get into. But in my view Science knowledge is better to have "more of" yes. science is a very important and knowledgeable subject. the world is made from science by inventions and and man uses. without it the world will be full with vandals. but it does not mean that maths is a bad subject.

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Q: Is it good to have science knowledge more than maths knowledge?
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Why does science need math?

Science needs math because it provides the tools and language to describe and analyze scientific phenomena. Math helps scientists make accurate measurements, interpret data, formulate equations and models, and make predictions about the natural world. Without math, it would be much more challenging to quantify and understand the complex relationships and patterns that exist in science.

What are the uses of maths in science?

Mathematics is the medium language with definite instructive explaining how thing related or worked in science. Early learning in science (say primary school) might need a lot of memorizing and little calculation. At the higher end, it will be less memorizing and more to understanding of how thing work or relate. It is when Maths become the major part of science.

Root function of science?

"Science, in the broadest sense, refers to any system of knowledge which attempts to model objective reality. In a more restricted sense, science refers to a system of acquiring knowledge based on the scientific method, as well as to the organized body of knowledge gained through such research." The Greeks formalized Science as being a method of acquiring knowledge about the world using logic, experiment and measurement. The procedure of acquiring knowledge was refined over centuries and is today called the scientific method.

What is relationship between Maths and Geography?

The difference of maths and geography is maths is more better than geography

Are boys better at math then girls?

Science proves that women are academically smarter than men.

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Whats more crucial to life math and science or science?

Of cource Its both maths and science as you can't do science without maths.

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Science, Maths and English But focus more on Science

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Computer Science Engineering and Information technology are same in all aspects except electronics. The study of electronics is more detailed in Information technology. Hence for computer science engineering you need good maths however for information technology you need both good maths and physics.

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accounting is both an art and science.........but more than science it is an art.because it fulfills the both aspect of an art(knowledge+ systematic work pattern).it fulfills only one aspect of science(knowledge for doing work in a system) but there is no logic or fact behind every accounting concept or rule based upon fasts and logic..

What is knowledge of the natural world called?

It's Classic Science

What subjects do people in France study?

French, English, science, maths, music and lots more

Are all knowledge science?

I would say no. All of the knowledge that is global warming is more religion and politics... and allot of comedy. An abuse of science.

What were the achievements of the Greeks?

There were various Greek achievements including that of maths, science, architecture, philosophy, alphabets and more.

What is the use of knowledge learned by science?

Learning how things work is in human nature from primitive time. Knowledge is never lost and helps individual to get good job. Best way to learn more is to share gained knowledge.

Why does science need math?

Science needs math because it provides the tools and language to describe and analyze scientific phenomena. Math helps scientists make accurate measurements, interpret data, formulate equations and models, and make predictions about the natural world. Without math, it would be much more challenging to quantify and understand the complex relationships and patterns that exist in science.

Is there a science sats test in 2011?

Yes, there will be science tests in 2011 on the 13th of May. However there is more presure on children to do better in Reading, Maths and English than in Science.

Which is good for 8 year boy.Nintendo or sony PSP?

A Nintendo DS no questioning that you can get educational games that teach maths English science, languages and fun games to. PSP is more advanced gaming.