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Yes, as long as you do not eat the ice, or put it on the inside of your mouth. A bag of ice on your cheeks or a cold pad held to your jaw keeps the swelling and bruising down, and numbs the pain.

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11y ago

You can ---- but remember that (anything cold) is a vasoconstrictor and narrows the blood vascular/capillaries and would cause any post-surgical antibiotic to be less effective. You would have to consult your oral surgeon about this.

Regards, Jim.

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Yes, it also helps with pain.

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Q: Can you put a ice pack on your face after getting your wisdom tooth pulled?
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I had a tooth pulled today and my face hurts should your face hurt after tooth extraction?

no, solo tienes que pedir anestesia topica

What is air in the membrane of the face after tooth pulled?

That is a rare complication called "subcutaneous emphysema".

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What are the sideffect of wisdome teeth being pulled?

Paresthesia or temporary numbness because of nerve damage. I had one wisdom tooth pulled out two weeks ago and my lower lip, chin, gums and face are still numb. I am also having constant headaches since then. The dentist said that could really happen and there is nothing they can do about it. They said the nerve will heal itself depending on how your body acts to it, it could take weeks, months or even years. And there is a very little chance that it could be permananent. So if you are planning to have your wisdom tooth removed, think about it, discuss it thoroughly with your dentist or oral surgeon. This is the worst thing that ever happen to me.

Can numbness in face and jaw and a burning tongue be caused by a wisdom tooth?

Yes. Although it is relatively rare, an impacted wisdom tooth could cause those symptoms. It is possible that the impacted tooth is impinging on a branch of the trigeminal nerve, which gives sensation to the jaw and tongue. A more serious condition would be a dentigerous cyst, which would also be associated with an impacted tooth. Your best course of actrion if you are experiencing these symptoms would be to consult with your dentist or an oral surgeon.

Can wisdom teeth cause spitting or talking to hurt?

yes it can, i had my face swollen and pain when my first wisdon tooth came out. i went to dentist and he prescribed me with amoxcilin medication for infection.

Can a wisdom tooth extraction cause any part of your face to droop from permanent numbness or is numbness the only potential risk?

it is possible, but if this does happen you can always sue the surgeon :P

How long should your face stay swollen after you had a wisdom and 9 other teeth pulled?

You will be tender for about 4 to 5 days. It probably feels like you got socked in mouth.

Do wisdom teeth cause numbness on the face and migraines?

I think it does... I have 2 very impacted wisdom teeth on the top and I have been experiencing sensations like my nose falling asleep and pressure in my face which often later turn into migraines. I am getting them out ASAP.

Why is it important to take your wisdom teeth out?

Your wisdom teeth do not necessarily have to be pulled out. Usually, the situation is that the gums are not large enough to accommodate all of your teeth, including the wisdom ones, hence they have to be removed to prevent crowding, which can be very painful in some cases. There are a few people whose mouths are large enough to accommodate wisdom teeth, so they don't have to be pulled out.

Is it true that your jawline will become a little smaller if you have your wisdom teeth extracted?

I recently had a large wisdom tooth removed from the top left and I reckon maybe it makes my jaw look very slightly smaller.AnswerThe most common reason of wisdom teeth extraction is that the jawline is already too small for them to erupt.The removal of any permanent tooth will affect the structure of the face. After all, the structure under the skin and muscle is bone and teeth. The differences are subtle, but it does change.

Will a very loose wisdom tooth fall out on its own?

Well from my experience several hours ago, my upper right wisdom became loose enough to where I just wiggled it so much that it just came out. It kind of reminded me of when I was a child. I may put it the tooth under my pillow.