

Best Answer
Answer Give it a whirlYou obviously need the necessary A levels...colleges will give you this information. Once you are armed with those, just give it a hard it is (or easy)will depend on so many factors which cannot be quantified, it's not worth worrying over. I managed it 40 years ago, with two very modest A levels, so i know it wasn't too hard in those days. It costs little except the risk of a dented ego if you fail! Answer : Yes, it's worth a goOxford and Cambridge have to fill their places, and many potential applicants think entry is impossible and therefore don't try. In other words, there is a lot of self-selection before people even apply. Obviously, you need to inform yourself about the grades expected and so on. There are often slight variations from one college to another and from subject to subject, too. For example, if you want to study ('read' to use the Oxford jargon) Modern Languages you may well find that the entry requirements are less demanding than for English Literature. Bear in mind that the interview and any tests you are given are also very important. You will be expected to converse intelligently and articulately on your subject and on current affairs. Good luck!
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12y ago

Study hard, and have confidence in yourself, don't forget to look for possible scholarship unless you are lucky enough to have someone to sponsor your education (parents?), you will be able to get it. If you can't get into Oxford University, then look for other universities ^^, there are plenty of others like Harvard, Cambridge, MIT, etc.

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12y ago

Hello! Oxford College of Emory is a great school. The acceptance rate is about 56% and the average GPA is 3.56 with an average sat score of 1160-1330. Oxford is looking for a student that is not only strong academically, but also outside of the question. If you need more specific information let me know- I'm an alum (Oxford '07 Emory '09)

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12y ago

Hello. I attend Oxford in 1996. I graduated from public high school and English is my second language. I did well in high school. I was top 3 percent but didn't have good SAT score. Oxford was one way for me to get into Emory. I loved oxford. Despite what people may say about Oxford you will have a great time there. I am still very good friends with people that I met at Oxford. Academically because the standard of admission is not as high as main campus, there is no grade curve. The work is very challenging but if you really try you will develop a good work ethic. I went from making 2.8 gpa in oxford while I worked my tailed off to making almost straight A's in main campus. However don't let people say that you are not as qualified as main campus. Most of Oxford kids are good gpa students with a not spectacular sat score or good sat score with not great gpa. If you don't work hard you will not make it in Oxford. Once you get to main campus you really can kick some butt. Thanks to my Oxford training I later got 168 on my Bar mbe when most of people get 130's. Go for it. But work hard. Don't get the main campus kids tell you otherwise. Once you get to main campus you will be more than ready !

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12y ago

I achieved A* and A's in GCSE subjects and A-Levels, so it was quite easy for me to get into Oxford , I only just started my history degree in September and to be perfectly honest I find it easy , but it depends on what grades you have etc, but it is a little bit hard, don't be nervous when applying :)

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11y ago

yes it is very difficult task . But if we work hard to achieve our goals , we can get admission in oxford university . After all achievers don't expose but their achievements expose them into this world.

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14y ago

Oxford University is like many across the world. It requires hard work, diligence and study to improve your skills and become successful

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Q: Is it hard to get into Oxford University as an International student?
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