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No. More people run on the bike path by my house then ride their bike on it.

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Q: Is it illegal for a runner to run in a bike lane?
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Does the first runner in a 4 x 400 run more than 400 meters?

NO they do not. The first runner has to stay in the same lane of the track the whole time. If the first runner starts in one of the outer lanes their start line is ahead of the person in lane 1. The 2 3 4 runners can be in whatever lane they want to be in but lane 1 is the best cause you have to walk a shorter distance

Is it your fault if you are riding a bicycle on the sidewalk legally and a car stops in the middle of the sidewalk and you and your bicycle run into it?

This depends on where you live. In most states it is illegal to ride your bike on the side walk, you are supposed to be in the bike lane. But all truth being told with insurance companies it is the drivers fault for failing to notice the person on the side walk.

During the 5-boro bike run are cars relegated to driving in the bike lane?

Yes. And bikes will be double parking in those lanes as well impeding the cars movement.

In football can a runner run a hidden ball play by hiding the ball in his jersey?

No, it has been considered an illegal play for nearly a century.

Which is the best lane to run in?

It has been proven that the inside lane is the fastest, purely due to the fact that the runner is closer to the gun and hears it first. Yes, it does sound obsurd to believe this, but a scientist said it's true, it makes a difference.

What is a double steal?

say there is a runner on 1st and 2nd. the runner on second would run to 3rd and be safe then the runner on 1st would run twould be safeo second and say there is a runner on 1st and 2nd. the runner on second would run to 3rd and be safe then the runner on 1st would run twould be safeo second and

In baseball can a runner on second run back to first while the runner on first goes to second?

NO. Base runner's must run the bases in the order they batted. If a runner overtakes another runner, he is automatically out.

Who is credited with scoring a run when using a courtesy runner?

The courtesy runner is credited with scoring the run.

What do you have to do to be a pro track runner?

Run and Run and Run.

Do tigers run flat footed or toe runner or nail runner?

toe runner

How fast is a marathon runner who can run 26 miles in 2.0 hours?

that runner will run at 13 MPH

Do you run strait gas in a dirt bike?

if you have a 4stroke dirt bike you run straight gas ,if you have a 2stroke dirt bike you run mixed gas