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It is normal for the glans (head) of an uncircumcised penis to remain slightly moist, as it is protected by the foreskin and kept moist. A few drops of urine may also drip from the penis in the minutes following urination. While erect or during periods of sexual excitement, it is normal for a clear liquid called pre-ejaculatory fluid to sometimes drip from the penis. This is normal.

However, if your penis has an unusual discharge or fluid, you should see your doctor, as this may be a symptom of a medical problem.

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Q: Is it normal for a uncircumcised penis to produce too much fluid?
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Related questions

What does unsircumsized mean?

Uncircumcised means that the foreskin covering the head of the penis has not been surgically removed. It is a natural and normal condition in males.

Is uncircumcised penis affect your intercouse?

No, being uncircumcised should not affect intercourse in any way.

How big would a uncircumcised penis get?

An uncircumcised penis grows to be the same size as circumcised penises. The average adult penis size is 5.5 to 6 inches long, as measured from the top when erect.

What does a teenagers penis look like both cut and uncut?

Search Google Images for uncircumcised penis and circumcised penis. Uncircumcised men have their penis head covered with the foreskin when they are not erect while on circumcised the glans is always exposed.

What does uncircumsized mean?

Uncircumcised refers to a penis that still has the foreskin covering the head of the penis. This is a natural state in males that have not undergone circumcision, which is the surgical removal of the foreskin.

Whether you can satisfy the women with an uncircumcised penis?

All women are different. Some women like uncircumcised, some like circumcised.

Where can you find a photograph of a man's penis?

For a photo that shows you the difference between an uncircumcised as opposed to a circumcised penis, see the Related Link.

Can neosporin be applied to an uncircumcised penis that is slightly infected from a sweat burn?

Ask the doctor.

Will a girl give a guy with an uncircumcised penis fellatio if it is cleaned thoroughly?

Most girls enjoy giving blow jobs to uncircumcised penises. An uncircumcised penis should not smell if the glans (head) is washed daily in the bath or shower with soap and warm water. Of course it's also a good idea to wash your penis before you get a blow job as well as after a blow job or sexual intercourse. This will make sure that the penis won't smell bad.

You are fourteen and you have a normal sized penis but have only seen the tip of your glans is this normal?

If you cannot retract the foreskin by the age of 14, that is not normal. It could be a condition called phimosis and you should see your doctor to see how to get it corrected. When you are uncircumcised, a cheezy substance builds up between your foreskin and the glans of your penis called smegma. If not washed out properly it can lead to penile cancer.

Do girls have a mini penis?

not necessarily. but yes girls do have "mini penises" there clitoris is the same material of an uncircumcised penis same nerves and flesh.

How can you tell if you've gotten a circumcision?

If you have a flap of skin that covers the tip of your penis, then you are uncircumcised. If the smooth glans (head) of your penis is visible, then you are circumcised.