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I got my tongue pierced exactly 1 week ago, and I'm going through the same thing. In fact I was online searching to see if anyone else has come across this while their tongue heals.. My guess is it's a combination of the "dead cells" collecting that I've read about, along with the fact that a tongue piercing can cause your mouth to overproduce saliva while it's trying ot heal itself. This is why you have to swallow twice as often now, and the saliva seems almost "thicker".. and coats your tongue more than usual. - At least this has been my experience. Maybe this is what's causing the "white tongue" like I have too? If you have been using a lot of mouthwash or if you your has been getting dry on top, it is most likely thrush, which is a yeast infection of the mouth, try diluting your mouthwash 50/50 so it doesn't kill all the good bacteria.. also you can go to your doctor and he or she can give you a pill, a one dose treatment for yeast infections. I just went through this, in fact a took the pill a few hours ago.. but you want to get rid of it fast because it can spread down your esophagas and throat.

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Q: Is it normal for your tongue to be a white color after a tongue piercing?
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Are bumps on your tongue normal?

If they are the same color as your tongue, YES. If they are white, NO.

The hole underneath your tongue piercing has turned white is this infected or just healing?

This is normal and just part of the healing phase for your tongue piercing, this will go away in a few days.

Is it normal for you to have a white circle on your tongue around the bottom bar of your tongue piercing. Please note I have had my tongue piercing for three weeks and two days now?

it depends where you go if you do it yourself its 5 dollars for hollow needle mine at Clair's were 20 for belly button 115 for ears (including jewelry)

White lump in front of tongue piercing?

This is totally fine and normal. Don't sweat! All it is is the tongue's version of a scab. Since its a moist environment though, it's not going to be a normal looking/feeling scab that you would get on your skin. Basically, white blood cells rushing towards the excess bacteria in the wound, and it forms pus. The pus gradually just ends up forming a white lump near your piercing which will go away when your tongue is totally healed. Just keep rinsing with sea salt.

What is the white lump in front of your tongue piercing?

It's the tongues version of a scab it will ease off as the piercing heals, relax.

What if tongue is white after piercing?

Go see a doctor. You either have an infection (white stuff on the surface of the tongue) or may have injured something (a tongue should be pink if it has adequate blood flow.)

What is the white stuff that comes out of your tongue when you get your tongue pierced?

Brains, dead brain cells............ OK I digress. It's lymphatic matter, it's the tongues equivalent to a discharge that would occur with any outside piercing (whitish yellow discharge) it's normal and will ease off as the piercing heals and toughens up.

What are the affects of strep?

A most unpleasant sore throat, a spotted tongue (white coated with small spots of normal tongue-color showing), swollen glands, and there can be liver damage sometimes when not treated with antibiotics.

Is it normal to have small red bumps with white stuff on it on the back of tongue?

yes it normal

Is it normal to have a white looking thing around tongue ring at the borrom of tongue piercing?

Do you mean white crusty stuff on the ball of the tongue ring? If so yes that's normal, its like plaque that builds up on your teeth if you don't brush them, just take out the bar and clean the white stuff off so it doesn't build up! Hope this helps! ______________ Do you mean a pus-mucous type substance on the bottom? If so, then that is from eating/drinking dairy. Avoid dairy at all costs for at least 2 weeks.

Is white stuff normal in a healing lip piercing?

if it is seeping a lot of white pus then that's not normal but if it is only a little bit then it is okay.You might have white/yellow fluids draining from your piercing and probably forming a crust. That's perfectly fine but pus is not.

Is white skin around a lip piercing normal?

Yes, It's completely normal. Just continue to clean it.