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Yes, it can be. Try using Head & Shoulders Shampoo regularly instead of what you are using now then you should get a great improvement in weeks. You should be washing your hair no more than every two days, make sure you rub the shampoo into the scalp, and don't worry too much about it as dandruff is harmless.

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Q: Is it normal to have dandruff at 14?
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Related questions

Is it normal to hamsters to have dandruff?

Yes, it is normal for any animal to have dandruff.

What is the plural of dandruff?

Dandruff is used as a plural and a singular. The word is used to describe one speck of dandruff or lots of dandruff.

How do you decrease dandruff?

Use dandruff shampoo

Why do you get dandruff?

1 anti-dandruff, dander Bacillus impact: There is a micro-organisms present on the scalp, which is a fungal scalp Bacillus, under normal circumstances no effect on the scalp, but the scalp losing resistance of such organisms, the dander Bacillus secretion of the scalp strong, metabolism faster, resulting in dandruff. 2, scalp cell dysfunction: dysfunction scalp cells produce large amounts when the root cause of dandruff, but also the underlying causes of dandruff. 3, other factors: the use of degreasing shampoo too strong, excessive drinking, excessive consumption of spicy food, since the rate of nervous tension, lack of sleep.

What steps should be taken to improve a dandruff situation?

To improve a dandruff sitution you should use a simple dandruff shampoo. Ex. Head and sholder dandruff control.

Can you use the word dandruff in a sentence?

My dandruff fell on your face.

Will glycerin help with dandruff?

i would use dandruff shampoo

Does it protect from dandruff?

Bonacure brand features a Bonacure "Dandruff Expert Dandruff Control Shampoo" in their line of beauty products.

What can you use if your daughter that is four has dandruff?

You can always try using adult dandruff shampoo, which is available at your local store in the personal care aisle. The adult dandruff shampoo should work just as well as a kid's shampoo, just that it helps fight dandruff in addition to cleaning hair. However, just add a little bit to your daughter's normal shampoo. Though, try Pert Plus for Kids, as many parents are declaring that it works, but do NOT use Selsan Blue shampoo, as it will most likely be too strong, and may cause temporary hair loss for your daughter. Try Pert Plus for Kids, or just add a little (maybe a quarter) adult dandruff shampoo with your daughter's normal shampoo.

Can dogs have dandruff?

The puppy will scratch itself more often, just as humans do when they get dandruff. They might bite or scratch at their hair until some starts to fall out, and possibly lead to a bald spot, but other than that, there isn't much else that happens when a puppy gets dandruff. I recommend getting Puppy Dandruff Shampoo to help with the dandruff problem.

Hi what is the best diet to feed a 14 week old African Grey thanks martin?

The best diet to feed a 14 week old African grey is parrot dandruff

What is Dandruff's technical term?

Seborrhea dermatitis is another name for dandruff.