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Yes, 5 htp is a vitamin that restores serotonin in your brain. Ecstasy uses up your serotonin instead of causing your body to produce more, so it can take alot of the happy out of you after you roll. That is why most people take 5 htp after rolling, but you can take before or during your trip as well. It can however, cause you to peak sooner which will make your trip speed up and it wont last as long.

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Q: Is it ok to take 5http while taking ecstasy?
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People don't die from taking ecstasy. They die from being dehydrated while on ecstasy. As long as you keep fluids in your system, you should be fine. Although 4 pills seems like a lot, take 2, and save the other 2 for another day.

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If you take ecstasy for 1st time can it give you a heart attack?

The chances are extremely low unless you have a pre-existing heart condition in which you should avoid taking ecstasy altogether.There have been cases of people dying during their first ecstasy trip but they are very,very uncommon