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As long as the oxycodone is not a combination drug such as percocet. Oxycodone does not have Tylenol (Acetaminophen) by itself. If you were to take 10mg of oxycodone and 650mg of Tylenol, that would make up 1 percocet. Just watch your Tylenol intake, which is not to exceed 4,000mg in a 24 period.

Allow me to add that all oxycodone sold in the U.S. contains Tylenol (acetaminophen) except for the elixir which is hardly ever prescribed. The usual oxycodone pill sold is 10/325 which means 10mg of oxycodone and 325 mg of acetaminophen which is the strength of a regular Tylenol tablet. An "extra strength" Tylenol is 500 mg.

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I would be careful of the brand of oxcycodone you mix with any other drug such as Tylenol. Lots of oxcycodon comes mixed with aceteminaphine (Such as percacet) or with ibuprofin etc. So mixingmore pain medicine such as a Tylenol can be harmful on all kinds of things inside your body. I would just use the codone ifit works andif it doesnt check the dosages. You shouldn't need Tylenol also..

Of course if you are just using a low dose such as percocet with 5mg of oxy in it then a Tylenol would not be so bad but if you are into lots of them could be trouble..

Also if it is pure oxy then you could probably be ok with a small dose of Tylenol..Either way I would check with a pharmascist or doctor on the ramifications of mixing anything..

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Percocet and Oxycontin are brand names of two medications both containing the opiate/narcotic, oxycoDONE. The difference is that percocet is oxycodone and acetaminophen aka Tylenol, also sold in various dosages under names such as endocet or oxycodone/apap to name a couple. Oxycontin is the time released version of oxycodone containing no 'Tylenol'.

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Oxycontin and Oxycodone are the same thing. Oxycontin is made from Oxycodone. Oxycontin is time released so it continuously release the medicine and oxycodone is not time released. It depends on how much of each you take. Say if you take a 40 MG Oxycontin pill and and 4 Oxycodone 10/325, you feel the effects of the 4 oxycodone pills because the Oxycontin time released but they are the same thing. Whichever one you take more MG of will be stronger.

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Does Oxycontin have Tylenol in it?

Not even a micro-gram, however it is a time released tablet and as such comes with binding agents, if you have allergies let me know and i will look up if it contains any of them. Check out my blog and let me know what you think

Does oxys and percet show the same in urine test?

The answer is YES. Percocet is (Oxycodone and Tylenol). (Oxycodone and Aspirin is Percodan.) Both contain Oxycodone as the analgesic. Oxycontin is just oxycodone in a time release form and does not contain either Tylenol or Aspirin. Both Aspirin and Tylenol are used to intensify the effectiveness of the Oxycodone. C18 H21 NO4-HCL Molecular weight: 351.83 Comment: I am not a doctor, toxicologist, or pharmacist but am very familiar with these extremely dangerous and addictive drugs. NEVER take them other than prescribed, as they can cause respiratory failure and sudden death. NEVER under any circumstances should the time release Oxycontin be crushed or chewed, this would release all the Oxycodone into your system immediately and most likely cause an overdose and possible death. If your tablets get broken, return them to you physician. I hope this helps you.

How much Tylenol is in 20 mg of Oxycontin?

You should double-check what is listed on the label, but Oxycontin is a brand name for time-release oxycodone tablets that contain no acetaminophen (Tylenol).

How strong is percocet 5-325?

It is not strong, although a good pain reliever. 5 is the percocet (oxycodon) and 325 is Acetaminophen (Tylenol). Oxycodone is one of your stronger pain medications, so take with food to prevent a queasy stomach.

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Hydrocodone has Tylenol in it. It can be in large amounts or smaller amounts. I've seen it have 650mg of Tylenol all the way down to 350mg. Because of the damage to your liver, I've always been told not to take Tylenol when you take hydrocodone.