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It should not be a problem. However, you need to find out if the on-line university is regionally or nationally accredited Make sure the university is regionally and it should be recognized by any university. AIU On-line and University of Phoenix--the two most popular on-line universities--are regionally accredited. If you have a university in mind, call them and ask if an associates degree from AIU or UoP would transfer over to their school. All schools are different on what they will and will not accept, so I strongly suggest you contact them prior to enrolling in ANY school.

Once again we come to the issue on accreditation. If the school is of a quality university (Florida Metropolitan University (btw it has been around for over 100yrs)) You can start and finish your degree on-line, with the flexibility and quality what would be the motivation to go to a ground campus. Now with a associate you can find a better job then with a high school diploma, continue to work and go to school on your schedule instead of a ground campus.

It would probably be a better idea to take on-line classes from an established community college, college or university. Transferring credits from an "on-line only" school can be problematic.

For a definitive answer, go to the University you hope to someday attend, and ask if they would accept transfer credit from XYZ on-line college.

The colleges and Universities that I am familiar with (many), do not indicate on their transcript whether the course/program taken was a ground course or on-line. Just remember if you are taking an on-line course/degree, you must be disciplined in your study habits. You cannot be a procrastinator. Many feel on-line courses are easier. Let me assure you, they are not. That being said, here is something you should be aware of when it comes to the transferability of credits. Never depend 100% on what your current institution says is transferable to a particular college or university. You must ask the receiving institution. In addition, if you are taking courses through a community college, find out from your transfer counselor what articulations your college has with other four year institutions. Some have what is called a "Dual Admissions Program or "Joint Admissions Program" where if the student completes the program requirements successfully, they are guaranteed "Full Faith in Credit" upon transfer to that institution.

I have to disagree with online courses being harder - I found them incredibly easy. Just as long as you're able to keep to a schedule. =) I agree with the rest of the great advice here - check with the receiving college. Honestly you'd technically be touching on an associates while going for your bachelors, so why not just start off at the university?

Look for resources such as the one currently available in the State of California. . This helpful tools help you to check which courses might transfer from one college to a university.

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11y ago

There is really no difference between taking online coursework and on campus coursework, other than one is online and one is not. You just have to make sure that the coursework and degree you take is from a college or university that has a regional accreditation. With a regional accreditation, you can be assured that the work you complete will be recognized by all other colleges and universities as well as employers. The regional accreditation is most important. So, yes you can transfer to complete your bachelors degree, however you should transfer within the same field of study. If you transfer into a non-related field, it's not that the credits are not transferable, some may just not fit the new program of study. I have listed below the appropriate accrediting agencies by geographical location. Make sure the institution is accredited by one of these agencies.

Regional Accreditation Agencies

· Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools - Educational institutions in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands, as well as schools for American children in Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East.

· New England Association of Schools and Colleges - Educational institutions in the six New England states (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont).

· North Central Association of Colleges and Schools - Educational institutions in Arkansas, Arizona, Colorado, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, North Dakota, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, New Mexico, South Dakota, Wisconsin, West Virginia, and Wyoming.

· Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities - Postsecondary institutions (colleges and universities) in Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Washington.

· Western Association of Schools and Colleges - Educational institutions in California, Hawaii, Guam, American Samoa, Micronesia, Palau, and Northern Marianas Islands.

· Southern Association of Colleges and Schools - Educational institutions in Virginia, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, Tennessee and Texas.

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15y ago

That would be kind of backing up. However, their are some individuals who do take an associates after a bachelors for a specific reason, such as a career change where an applied science may be key.

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16y ago

Its not a question of better, its just that it is a different approach. It depends on your personal needs, wants and desires. Taking either approach is fine, but it depends on you as an individual.

Below are listed some of the advantages of attending a community college first.

* Less expensive * Close to home * More accessible

* Everyone is given the chance to pursue a college degree * Smaller more friendly environment * More one on one attention * Gives a student the chance to become well seasoned and experienced before transferring to the four year college or university * Better professor to student ratio * Outstanding student resources * Sense of accomplishment at the foundational level

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16y ago

It depends on the individual, their preference, expense issues, career goals and objectives etc. For many, a community college which offers the associate degree programs, the environment is more community oriented, there is more one on one with faculty, classrooms and lecture halls are generally smaller, and the cost is much less expensive than the four year institutions. The student can basically cut the four year tuition cost in half by starting at a community college. For other students their choice of career requires no more than an associates degree (at least to start). For example, nursing, computer science, civil engineering technology, interpreters for the deaf, paralegal studies etc. It just depends on the individuals personal needs, wants, and desires. However, with the way tuition continues to raise, the community college is a great place to start. If you do well at the community college, you can then transfer to the four year institution of your choice. Just make sure you keep in contact with the transfer counselor at the community college you attend.

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15y ago

It's a matter of preference. Read the following carefully on the differences between the two community college and the four year college and university.

Associates (Community College Level) vs. Bachelors (Four Year College or University)

Community College Level

An Associate degree (two year community college) is designed as a two year program of study as a full-time student provided the student takes the degree as prescribed by the college. Evidently it would take longer as a part-time student. Within the United States, the associates typically falls into three main categories; Associates of Arts (AA), Associates of Science (AS), and Associates of Applied Science (AAS). An associates of arts (AA), and associates in science (AS) degrees are typically designed for transfer to a four year college or university. Therefore, these degrees have a strong liberal arts emphasis and include a good balance of humanities, social science, and written communication along with the exact sciences especially in higher level math. They also have the foundational course work needed as prerequisites for the higher level courses at the four year institution. The AAS was typically designed as a terminal degree giving the student all the expertise needed to enter the workforce after completion of the degree. However, today, many AAS degree are transferable to four year institutions, but the student should meet with the transfer counselor for appropriate direction when it comes to the AAS degrees. Depending on the program of study and state mandates, the associates can take anywhere from 60 to 64 credits to complete. Some programs of study (usually within the health related fields) may take a bit more in credits.

Four Year College or University Level

The bachelors degree (four year college or university) is designed as a four year program of study provided the student takes the degree as prescribed by the college or university. Again, part-time students will take longer to complete the degree. How long it would take depends on the credit load taken per semester. Basically, within the United States there are two common categories; Bachelors of Arts (BA), and Bachelors of Science (BS). It depends on the institution and department within the school as to which focus they prefer.

The BA has a broader scope, with a strong emphasis on the humanities, theoretical and general knowledge in a recognized discipline, interdisciplinary field, or of a professional study.

The BS is more of a focused approach with a science base to include a balance of liberal arts, technological knowledge, math and computer oriented skills, and practical skills needed for a particular discipline within the field.

The number of credits required depends on the program of study. In general, the bachelors can take between 120 and 128 credits to complete. Some programs of study may take more. For example, architecture. The following are some differences between community colleges, and four year colleges and universities.

Community College

Many individuals start at the community college level for a variety of reasons to include:

  • Community colleges are less expensive to start out with. You can cut the cost of a four year degree almost in half by starting at a community college first, and then transferring to four year college or university to finish up the last two years.
  • There are typically smaller classroom sizes at the community college with a better professor to student ratio, which means more individualized attention.
  • Some students do not meet the entrance requirements of the four year college or university, thus they start at the community college first, then transfer later.
  • The community colleges are typically more family oriented, with a strong sense of community.
  • Some students like to be close to home, thus they start at their home county community college.

Four Year Colleges and Universities

  • Four year institutions are usually larger, with a number of activities not offered at the community college level. For example, fraternities, and sororities, College Football, etc.
  • Some colleges may have top name lecturers, within large lecture halls which are preferred by many students.
  • Some individuals like the four year institutions environment (the university atmosphere).
  • There are students who can major in special program curriculums not offered by the community college.

In the end, it is a matter of preference. Do you like being a big fish in a little pond, or a little fish in a big pond? Whichever you choose, you must be happy with your school, its offerings, the services provided, and environment. If you're not happy, you will not fair as well.

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Q: Is it okay to get an associate's degree after a bachelor's degree?
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Is bachelor's degree higher than associative?

The order of college degrees is Associates, Bachelors, Masters, PhD, MD and JD. A Bachelors degree would be higher than an Associates degree.

What order are college degrees in from lowest to highest?

Typically, there are four levels of college degrees (to include nursing). They are as follows from lowest to highest.AssociatesBachelorsMastersDoctorate (highest level of academic attainment)The associates and bachelors are referred to as undergraduate coursework. The master's and doctorate are referred to as graduate degrees. Refer to the below.

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A bachelors degree or associates degree in criminal justice and a gun

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The length of time it takes to complete a psychology degree can vary depending on the program and level of study. A bachelor's degree typically takes around 4 years to complete, while a master's degree can take an additional 2-3 years. A doctoral degree, such as a Ph.D. or Psy.D., can take anywhere from 4 to 7 years to finish.

How long does it take to earn a bachelors degree after earning an associates?

Well an associates degree is a two year degree while a bachelors is four. Not all major will transfer from an associates to a bachelors. For example you can get an associates in nursing and go on later to get your bachelors and it only be about two more years. But if you have an associates in nursing and you want a bachelors in business. You will pretty much have to start over and most likely only your prerequisites will count toward your new degree.

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Go to college and get a degree in Criminal Justice or Phycology Bachelors or Associates . Simple as that.

If you hold an associate's degree does it get averaged into your bachlors degree?

The four year institution will attempt to use as many credits form your associates degree toward your bachelors degree. However, the Grade Point Average (GPA) you achieved in your associates degree will not be averaged in with the GPA you achieve toward your bachelors. For instance, if your GPA at the associates level was 3.5, at the bachelors level you once again start with a GPA of 0.00. In other words your starting fresh.

Does a two year associate's degree count toward a bachelor's degree?

Yes, you can. I am doing this now. I just finished my Associates Friday and have enrolled for my Bachelors yesterday with Virginia College Online. My credits did not need to transfer because I am at the same institution.

What associate's degree should i get if i want to receive a bachelors in environmental science?

You do not need an associates degree to get a bachelors, one is just more extensive than the other. If I were you, I would go straight for the bachelors.

Is bachelors required before an associates?

No the associate degree comes first followed by the bachelor's degree. However, many students go directly for the bachelor's degree without pursuing the associates degree.

Who are the three degrees?

Typically, there are four:* Associates * Bachelors * Masters * DoctorateTypically, there are four:* Associates * Bachelors * Masters * DoctorateTypically, there are four:* Associates * Bachelors * Masters * DoctorateTypically, there are four:* Associates * Bachelors * Masters * DoctorateTypically, there are four:* Associates * Bachelors * Masters * DoctorateTypically, there are four:* Associates * Bachelors * Masters * Doctorate

Is bachelor's degree higher than associate's degree?

Yes. # Certificate/diploma # Associates # Bachelors # Masters # PhD