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I don't believe it's possible for a human to outrun a lion since a lion has a lot more speed and strength than a human.

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Q: Is it possible for a human to out run a lion?
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Can a human run faster than a mountain lion?

No, pumas are very swift runners, could easily run down a human.

Can a human outrun a lion?

No, a human cannot out run a lion. The average speed of a lion is 50 m.p.h. (80 k.p.h.) The fastest a human can run is 28 m.p.h. (45 k[h) for only a short distance before wearing out. The world record holder comes in at 24 m.p.h. (37 kph)

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no... it is not possible to run faster then a car because a car has more speed then a human can ever run!

How fast is it possible for humans to run?

I dont think there is a limit to the speed a human can run.

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It is not humanly possible. For that to occur one would have to run 60 mph which is just not possible for a human to do.

How fast could a lion run?

A grown lion can run at speeds up to 35 mph.

Can a human out stand a lion?

A human has no chance against a lion, unarmed.

How is a human supposed to run in a track meet?

lol what? is physically possible ;)

Can you out run a lion?

No. Lions can run up to 35mph. Humans can run like 20mph or something but not for very long time.

Who is stronger a lion or a human?

lion defenatley

What is the fastest a lion can run?

barbary lion

Can a strong human kill a lion by hand?

i dont think so, they'd propably get eaten! It is possible , but certainly not common .