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it shows up as a trade deficit with the soncumer-goods-exporting nation.

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Q: Why a nation can have a favorable balance of trade and a unfavorable balance of payment?
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Related questions

Can a nation have a favorable balance of trade and an unfavorable balance of payments?

Yes, as the balance of trade is only one part of the balance of payments

What was the primary objective of mercantilism?

Was to enrich the nation by fostering a favorable balance of trade.

What is favorable balance of trade?

A situation that exists when the value of a nation's exports is in excess of the value of its imports.

How does Tourism Revenue affect the Balance of Payments of a national government?

A surplus in the balance of payments is when a nation has an increase in flow of funds from trade and investments coming in than paying out to other countries. Income from tourism increases the flow of funds into the economy from people of other countries. It results in the flow of foreign currency into the country and is a revenue to the country resulting in a favorable balance of payment.

Enumerate the ways in which nation can overcome an unfavorable balance of trade?

improve technology is one

Payment ruling to a nation?


What is the payment to a ruling nation called?

Tribute (a tax)

What status allows countries to export goods to the US under favorable terms?

Most favored nation

How do fluctuations to the international exchange rate of a nation's currency affect its balance of trade?

Helps the balance.

What do members of Congress have to balance the needs of?

constituents and the nation

What is the difference in value between what a nation imports and what it exports over time?

The the difference in value between what a nation imports and exports over time is called the trade balance. If a nation exports more than it imports, it has a trade surplus. If a nation imports more than it exports, it has a trade deficit. This trade balance can impact a nation's currency value and overall economic health.

What are the disadvantages of balance of payment?

investors and other countries may see the relationship of one nation with the others this may influence the country because the investors and the rest of the world may see whether it is bad or good to trade with the particular country