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I sure hope not. I had $5K worth of braces 10 years ago and had my wisdom teeth out 5 days ago. My jaw is still swollen and I have noticed that my overbite is definitely worse than it was last week. I'm hoping it's just due to the swelling and tightness in my jaw and that when everything is settled, things will go back into place. If anyone has a real answer, please let me know. It takes much more than wisdom teeth to get an overbite. Usually an overbite is caused by a bad relationship of the upper jaw with the lower jaw. Wisdom teeth can cause minor misalignment in teeth if there is little space and if there are not extracted.

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16y ago
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Lvl 4
1y ago

Wisdom tooth extraction is the process of removing a wisdom tooth by an oral and maxillofacial specialist or a dental professional. The strategy should be doable in the dentist's or specialist's office most of the time. If you are having all of your wisdom teeth taken at once or if you are at high risk for complications, the surgery may be performed in a healing facility.

Here's how wisdom teeth are evacuated in the most heinous way possible: The oral expert or dental specialist begins the process by desensitising the tooth and tissues in the zone of the mouth where the wisdom teeth are located with a near soporific once the chosen sedation technique has produced results. You've probably had an x-beam, also known as a panorex, removed from your intelligence teeth before. However, on occasion, the dental practitioner will require additional x-rays on the day of the procedure. Any more x-beams will be created now.

After administering a local anaesthetic and obtaining the necessary x-rays, the dental specialist begins the procedure by removing the gum tissue that covers the area where the insight tooth is located. If the shrewdness tooth is affected, a hole is drilled in the gum tissue to allow access to the tooth. With a special instrument, the gum tissue is pushed off the trodden path until the tooth can be seen. An afflicted wit tooth may be completely or partially encased in the bone.

The wisdom tooth is ready to be extracted once it has become free or has been segmented. The dental specialist will remove the damaged tooth using a series of precise devices designed to separate the tooth from its attachment.

Now that the wisdom teeth have been removed, the dental specialist may need to use lines to close the space where the teeth formerly were. This has enhanced the scenario in which afflicted shrewdness teeth have been properly emptied, and in cases where the dental specialist believes the patient will heal better with lines installed.

The dental specialist will provide you with some post-agent instructions as well as a small amount of cloth to eat.

Make an appointment to have your wisdom teeth removed.

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16y ago

No, it is very much unlikely that a wisdome tooth extraction might cause a cross bite. Usually a cross bite is formed right after the adult teeth have erupted in the early teenage years.

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12y ago

I just had all of my wisdom teeth extracted with a class 3 underbite but it has not changed my profile at all.

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Need best wisdom teeth removal & tooth extraction in Bangalore? If you're dealing with wisdom teeth troubles or need a tooth extraction, Aspen Dental Care here to help! Our expert team provides safe and effective techniques for pain-free dental extraction. Book an appointment for Tooth Extraction in Bangalore.

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At Dr. Vibhuti Gopal dental clinic, we provide safe and effective wisdom tooth extraction in Bathinda Punjab. Our experienced team of dentists use the latest techniques, equipment, and materials to ensure the best possible results for your smile. Contact us today

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