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In this day and age most teenagers have jobs while still in high school. Definately by the time students reach college they are trying to find jobs while they continue their education that will afford them work experience in the field that they are studying.

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No, but it is beneficial.

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Q: Do many college students have work experience?
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How many college students also work waitress jobs?

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Many students in college work. It does not make you nerdy. In fact, the experience you gain and the skills you learn could be very valuable for the future. There are all kinds of students in college with plenty of nerds mixed in. Students like the diversity.

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Many college students are in debt due to student loans. Student loans are specifically provided to pay for ones education. Most college students find it hard to work while in school as well.

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Most college students have backpacks due to the large amount of items that are needed during college such as; books, work, food and for girls even personal items.

Can college students get jobs at Stanford?

College is expensive, and many students need to work while at the same time getting an education. Therefore, many schools around the country, including Stanford University, offer student work programs, allowing students to get jobs with flexible hours so the work doesn't interfere with their studies.

Does Google do work experience for GCSE students in London?

Yes Google can you show you almost anything! Just type Work experience for GCSE students in London

A plan college can do to helps students?

A college can introduce a work as you study system which will help students from the poor background.

Why is it that college teachers don't really care about the students?

Students in college are adults and as adults they need to accept the responsibility for getting classwork done. As a college instructor I have heard many excuses for why the course work wasn't done, but I don't have to enable them since they are adults. College is the real world and like work it won't hold a students hand when there are problems.

Is it obligatory for university students to get work experience before graduation if they have only volunteering experience?


Do you work or are you a student?

Many people work and go to school as a student. Working is a way many students pay for college. Often student loans and financial aid are not enough to cover college tuition and expenses.

How many years of work experience is equivalent to an associate's degree?

In order to determine life experience toward a degree, your experience would have to be evaluated by either an official evaluation agency or college that offers life experience credit toward a degree at their school.

What jobs are there at Utah State for college students?

Utah State does offer jobs to college students. Generally one can work on campus at the library or at a food court. They offer many different kinds of jobs.