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No they are not safe, Potatoes are toxic to horses and shouldn't be fed to them.

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12y ago

It don't think it is because they don't even eat potatoes anyway and plus potato skins taste nasty.

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Q: Is it safe for ponies to eat raw potato skin?
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Are cooked peeled potatoes safe to eat?

Im assuming you are talking about the potato skin...and the answer is yes

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Yes, most ponies love pumpkin!

Why it is better to eat potato unpealed?

its better to eat a potato with the skin since that's where most of the nutrients are located

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Can you eat a budding potato?

Yes, the green stuff is natural--just don't eat the green part, the rest is fine. (alternate answer) Potato skin often has a greenish tinge because it is the root of a plant which grows green leaves for photosynthesis. Don't eat green mold, but in most cases, the green in the potato skin is just chlorophyll, and is perfectly safe to eat.

What part of a potato is eaten?

You can eat any/all parts of a potato, although the outside skin has most of the nutrients.

If a potato is frozen on the outside is it safe to eat?

While potatoes that have been frozen are safe to eat the cell structure of the potatoes will have been damaged. As a result the quality of the potato has been diminished.

Can chickens eat potatoes?

Any cooked potato is fine but never feed rawChickens can not eat raw potato skins. The inside of the potato is fine but the skin must be cooked.

What benefit is there in a sweet potato skin?

Nothing eat French fries

Can gerbils eat potato skin?

A Gerbil will explode if it eats a carrot

Is your zucchini safe to eat if it is getting wrinkles on the skin?

Safe maybe, but squishy and yucky to eat. Skin of zucchini should be hard and glossy.

Is it safe to eat skin?

No because you have germs on your skin and you can get sick if you inhale or "eat" the Germs or bacteria