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Q: Is it safe to drink baxter sterile water for irrigation?
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What does irrigation of wound mean?

To irrigate a wound means to wash or flush it out with water or sterile solutition.

How do you create sterile water?

You first filter the water. Then you boil it to kill all the germs. Now it is sterile and safe to drink.

What is the HCPCS or CPT Code for .9 percent sodium chloride irrigation solution 1000ml?

A4217 sterile water saline

Can sterile water for irrigation and normal saline for irrigation be used interchangably?

yes, they are interchangeable in the OR I beg to differ - While I'm sure they are used interchangeably, they're not the same thing and shouldn't be substituted. Sterile water for Irrigation is not Isotonic (or iso-osmotic) and can cause severe hemolysis if used inappropriately. Problems arise when large volumes are used and when incompatible drugs are added to the wrong irrigant.

What will happen if you drink sterile water?

It's water. You won't be thirsty and in a little while you will have to go to the bathroom.

Is it preferable to use sterile water for irrigation to clean my eyes?

Using sterile water is ideal if that's all you've got to clean your eyes. It's always better to use saline to clean your eyes out, though.

Can you drink sterle water?

Yes, if it's sterile, it is obviously harmless, but it may be flat and tasteless.

Does sterile water give you diarrhea?

Only if you drink so much that it makes your stool watery. But it doesn't in general.

What did ancient people use to water crops?

Water was used to drink, water crops, wash, pretty much everything its used for now.

Is irrigation water safe to drink and bathe in?

No Unless you know the source you should only drink water rated for human consumption. Agri water can be just taken from any source like a pond or river.

Does sterile water contain minerals?

Sterile water does not contain any minerals. Sterile water contains no germs or micro-organisms. Sterile water is often used for dilution purposes.