

Best Answer

"The product description explains that the baby must be able to hold his/her head upright. Obviously a newborn is not able to do this just yet. So the answer is no, the baby door bouncer is not safe for a newborn."

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Q: Is it safe to use baby door bouncers for newborns?
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Related questions

What are some companies that manufacture and sell safe baby bouncers?

"Fisher-Price" and "Comfort & Harmony" are both great examples of safe baby bouncer manufacturers. You can purchase these baby bouncers at store called BabiesRUs.

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No because your baby could get ill from the smoke and the fumes!

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Its very unlikely the snake you try to eat or bite a baby but it could very well hurt the baby if it wrapped around it, babies are warm and snakes like the warmth. They are very powerful animals and babies are just sacks of baby flesh. Its better safe than sorry. Unless of course your baby is a cold baby and has no body heat. Then by all means use it as a door stop. They are great conversation pieces.

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I would suggest not, as these require constant supervision and not all 3 year olds are obedient, these "slides" are used in carnivals but are governed by height and weight restrictions

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