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The age a child is in diapers really depends on the child.

On average, most children are potty trained around two and a half years of age.

However, some children are developmentally delayed or have emotional/physical issues that can prevent toilet training. There is nothing strange about it.

If you feel your child should already be potty trained, but it isn't happening, it should be discussed with the child's doctor. It is coming up on time they will likely be entering school, so it needs to be addressed soon.

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If he likes the design and the colors then let him wear them. Plus if wants to wear a dress let him.

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Yes, 12 year olds can wear diapers.

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I don't know. I love wearing diapers and goodnites and I'm a 15 year old male. They are so comfortable and I just like wetting my pants.

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go to walmart and buy adult diapers and if you are a SMALL adult buy TEEN diapers.

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You let him or her wear diapers. You can't force the 6 year old to do something they don't want to do.

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He could but i wouldn't recomend it. By 13 I was out of diapers.

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Yes anyone can be put back in diapers

Should you let a 8 year old wear diapers if he wants to?

yes you should do that, if he feels good wearing them then you should let him do that.

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Whether or not a 15 year old boy will object to changing diapers and housework depends on the boy. Most will object to changing diapers before they will object to doing housework.