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Private, religious schools may require prayer and religious studies.

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Q: Is it true schools may require prayer and curriculum on religion?
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When did Madeline O'Hare take prayer out of schools?

She didn't and no one has taken prayer out of schools. It was never there in the first place. We have a separation of church and state and to pray in schools would violate that. Whose prayer would you say each day? We have many religions and many people who don't believe in God. There is no state religion in the United States. If you want to pray in school, go ahead. You can say a silent prayer any time, any day you want.

What religion are Nepal prayer boxes?


Why do Maryland schools allow Muslim prayer?

The United States Bill of Rights allows for freedom of religion without discrimination against any religion. I don't know that Maryland schools do allow Muslim prayers, but there is no reason not to. There are schools all over the country that allow religious clubs say prayers everyday. Your question smacks of discrimination and prejudice because someone is Muslim. That is against the constitution.

Should public schools begin the day with a silent prayer time?

no. i go to a public school and im very open about different religions but i dont want someone pushing there practices on me. I think school should be about education not religion.

When did schools in the US stop talking about god in public schools?

To suggest that Schools do not talk about God, or the Bible, is simply misnomer in Nature, as they sometimes do. But as for the Question itself, Teaching Religion, in a Public, Tax Payer Supported School District, Tends to Violate Article One of the U.S. Constitution. One of the more Famous Tests ,of the Authority of Article One, to Prevent Religious Teaching at Tax Payer Expense is the following, Supreme Court Case-Abington School District v. Schempp & Murray v. Curlett (1963) Court DecisionArguments for both cases were heard on the 27th and 28th of February, 1963. On the 17th of June, 1963, the Court ruled 8-1 against of allowing the reciting of the Bible verses and the Lord's Prayer. Justice Clark wrote at length in his majority opinion about the history and importance of religion in America, but his conclusion was that the Constitution forbids any establishment of religion, that prayer is a form of religion, and that hence state-sponsored or mandated prayer in public schools cannot be allowed. There are quite a few similar cases involving the Breach of Article One, a simple search on the web, using such words as " Constitution and Public Prayer" will generate numerous hits.

Related questions

Can schools require prayer and curriculum on religion?


What is the importance of prayer in Catholic schools?

Yes, but Catholics also believe that everyone should have the right to practice their own religion. In Catholic schools, there is prayer everyday, and Catholics believe that in public schools where there are kids of all different religions, they should have the freedom to pray or not.

What is the govenments view on religion?

The Government in AMERICA believes that everyone should be able to have there own religion. But they don't show this by taking any type of prayer out of their schools

How has school prayer affected schools in America?

Prayer isn't allowed in schools.

What type of law is being used if the US Supreme Court declares schools cannot require students to recite a prayer in school due to the First Amendment?

Constitutional law. The Supreme Court has said publicschools, meaning those supported by taxes, cannot require students to recite a prayer in school, or at any school-sponsored function, under the First Amendment Establishment Clause. Private schools not dependent on the government for funding may require school prayer.The Establishment Clause states, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion." Public schools are considered an agent of the federal government because they are tax-funded.

How is the question of prayer in public schools affected by the establishment clause?

The Supreme Court established what is now the current prohibition on state-sponsored prayer in US schools. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.

Do you agree to have prayer in school?

No. My opinion is that prayer should not be part of our schools. I raised 5 children through the public school system and I believe religion should be kept in the church or in the privacy of your home.

Could you give me a reason for the Abolition of prayer in lecture hall?

Prayer should not be in the public schools. The first amendment to the U.S. Constitution states that the government shall establish no religion. People who are not of your religion may not want to be coerced into practicing your religion; just as you probably don't want to be coerced into practicing theirs.

Are you allowed to pray in US schools?

Yes children can pray, but there is no public prayer. Since there is no state religion whose prayer would you say? But if a child wants to pray before they eat lunch or just say a prayer to themselves they may.

Why is prayer not allowed in some schools?

It is most likely that the headmaster of some schools considers that time spent in prayer would be better spent in learning something. A school is a school not a church. There used to be prayer in school, but then this whole "Politically Correct" thing came along and now you can't pray in school because you might offend someone else ofa different religion. plus the school could get sued for teaching children of a different religion about Christianity and prayer.

What religion is the lord's prayer from?

The Lord's prayer was a teaching of Christ, so the religion is Christianity.

When did Madeline O'Hare take prayer out of schools?

She didn't and no one has taken prayer out of schools. It was never there in the first place. We have a separation of church and state and to pray in schools would violate that. Whose prayer would you say each day? We have many religions and many people who don't believe in God. There is no state religion in the United States. If you want to pray in school, go ahead. You can say a silent prayer any time, any day you want.