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Q: Is it true that Newton's second law of motion explains how an unbalanced force on an object causes it to accelerate?
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How does the unbalanced force affect the motion of the body?

A unbalanced force causes a body to accelerate. (From Newton's second law)

Are there unbalanced or balanced foces on Mercury?

The Sun attracts Mercury; that is an unbalanced force, that causes Mercury to accelerate towards the Sun.

What does unbalanced forces do to a car?

The same as they do to any other object.

Does force have size and motion?

Force has size, which is how much force put into somethig, e.g., 10 Newtons of force. It has motion because force is basically motion, because force can be unbalanced or balanced, and unbalanced causes motion, and is basically motion.

What causes objects to accelerate?

Gravity causes falling objects to accelerate.

Do newtons make stuff move faster?

A newton is a unit of force, and a force (if unbalanced) causes an acceleration. Acceleration involves any change of velocity - not just making things faster.

How does gravitational force affect acceleration?

The force of gravity causes objects to accelerate (speed up) when they fall. This is because of newtons law F=MA force equals mass times acceleration, meaning when you put a force such as gravity on a mass it will accelerate the mass

A net force causes an object to?

Accelerate, motion is generated by applying force to mass.

If a force of 20 newtons causes a skateboard to accelerate at a rate of 10 meters per second per second what is the mass of the skateboard?

F = M A20 = 10 MM = 20/10 = 2 kilograms

What are newtons?

Newtons are a unit of force. A force of 1 Newton acting on a mass of 1 kilogram causes it to accelerate by 1 metre/second every second by Newton second law: force = mass x acceleration. A 1-kg mass that is dropped will accelerate down at 9.81 metres per second per second before it hits the floor, therefore the force acting it, which is its weight, is 9.81 Newtons. But the same 1-kg mass, on the Moon, accelerates one sixth as fast, and its weight is less, one sixth of the old weight, so its weight is only 1.63 Newtons.

What causes a rocket to accelerate?


What causes something to not accelerate?

the brakes