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No, cold air displaces warm air from the bottom because it's denser.

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Q: Is it true that a moving cold front moves cold air over warm air?
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What kind of front occurs when a cold front moves over a warm front?


Where does the warm air go after moving over a cold mass?

It keeps moving forward or moves with the cold air it depends

What is formed when a cold front over takes a warm front?

When a cold front overtakes a warm front, it forms an occluded front. In this situation, the warm air mass is lifted off the ground as the colder air behind the cold front advances, creating a complex weather pattern with potential for thunderstorms and precipitation.

When warm air mass moves over a cold air mass it is called a?

This is a warm front.

When a mass of warm air overtakes a cold air mass and moves over it?

Warm front.

What kind of a front forms where a warm air mass moves over a cold air mass?


What are the four types of fronts?

The four types of fronts are warm fronts, cold fronts, stationary fronts, and occluded fronts. Warm fronts occur when warm air advances over cold air, while cold fronts occur when cold air advances over warm air. Stationary fronts are boundaries between air masses that do not move, and occluded fronts form when a cold front overtakes a warm front.

When warm moist air moves over a cold surface what fog may result?

Advection fog may result when warm moist air moves over a cold surface. This type of fog forms when the moist air cools down to its dew point temperature, causing water vapor to condense into tiny water droplets that remain suspended in the air.

Does stationary front moves back and forth over same area?

Yes, a stationary front remains in the same general area for an extended period. It forms when two air masses with different temperatures and characteristics meet but neither advances, causing the front to stay in place until the balance of forces changes. This can lead to prolonged periods of unsettled weather for the region.

What will you get when a high pressure front moves in over land?

In the summertime: Fair and warm weather. In the wintertime: Fair and cold weather.

What happens when a warm air mass moves into a cold air mass?

The warm air mass is forced up and over the cold air mass, resulting in the development of a cold front.

What kind of weather is likely to occur if a warm air mass moves over cold air mass?

it means when a front is been moved up one then it becomes a warm front if it is moved down one it means a cold front