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Q: Is it true that nearly one quarter of the people in the world have been laughed at because of their culture?
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Who discoverd subtraction?

Basic arithmetic has been developed by nearly every culture, so there isn't one definite person who discovered it.

How many quarters equals 500 grams?

According to the US Mint's website, a quarter has a mass of 5.67 grams. Dividing into 500 g yields 88.888. So 88 quarters has a mass of 498.96 grams (nearly 500).

What type of cleavage does feldspar have?

Plagioclase feldspar is a non-metallic mineral. It has 2 cleavages at nearly right angles. It is also differentiated from potassium feldspar because it contains striations. Potassium feldspar has 2 cleavages at nearly right angles.

How many meters in 23 linear meters?

This is nearly a nonsense question, but if it is taken seriously, the answer is 23: metres are always linear, because they are measures of length,.

What is the probability of a football team scoring in the third quarter?

The answer will depend on very many factors. Amongst these are:The current form of the team,The current form of the opposite team,How important winning the game is for the team (nearly top, but with a chance for the championship, no hopers at the bottom etc),Whether they are playing at home or away,The scoreline at the start of the third quarter and whether or not the other side scores,The quality of the coach's pep-talk before the quarter.All these variables, and more, can go into a mathematical model for predicting the outcome.