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No, you grow because your cells multiply.

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1mo ago

Yes, growth occurs when cells divide and increase in number, leading to an increase in overall size of the organism. This process is controlled by a combination of genetics, hormones, and environmental factors.

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Q: Is it true that you grow because your cells do?
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Do you grow because your cells divide?

Yes,do divide

Which type of cells are quite easy to grow in a lab?

According to Biologists, cells containing bacteria or disease are easier to grow in labs than normal cells because it has multiplying properties. An example is cancer cells because the disease continues to spread to other cells.

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living things grow because their cells can reproduce (gabby h did this)

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Because stem cells are the undifferentiated cells, they are able to grow into many different kinds of organs.

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Why do people grow and die?

Well, it depends on what you mean, like they can die of old age, when you die of old age it's because your system starts to shut down, and there aren't anymore blood cells to help you, because when you're younger your blood cells reproduce and grow and grow and grow ! But as you age older, your blood cells start to die can't produce.

Do your cells grow big without stopping?

Cells will grow until they are at there largest extent then they split in half, or multiply. You don't explode with too many cells because cells also are always produced in various organs, and are dying too.

Is that true that as you grow your skin becomes more whiter?

No,because it is impossible

How are bone cells and muscle cells different?

I've heard it's because of its function and it's true💯

Why can't cells keep growing?

maybe because they dont wana grow up. not me. not i.

Why should not sniff glue?

Because it kills your brain cells (and they don't grow back ).

Why do the cells take up a regular shape of human body ie why don't they grow in some other shape?

The DNA instructions turned on in particular cells tell these cells how to grow. Also there are two usual " mechanistic " reasons cells do not grow all over the place. Cells are substrate dependent and mas dependent. This means they grow on something that can give them a general shape and they only grow so many to a certain area/volume. Cancer cells are such a problem because they don't conform to either of these constraints.