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They are called stomatas. These are bound by guard cells.

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7y ago

No. The holes are called stomata. Chloroplasts are the organelles in which photosynthesis occurs.

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Q: Is it true the tiny holes through which gases enter and exit leaves are called chloroplasts?
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How does carbon dixiode enter green leaves?

Carbon dioxide enter the leaves through the called stomata found under the leaves.

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Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Oxygen (O2) can enter leaves through the pore.

Where does enter the plant?

through the leaves and the roots

Where does CO2 enter plants?

co2 entres through small pores called stomata present on leaves of plants.

Where in plant does carbon dioxide enter?

Through pores in the green parts of plants (usually under leaves) called 'stomata'.

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through the leaves and the roots

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carbon dioxide enters the plant through it's leaves. glad to help :)

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The openings where gases enter and leave plant leaves are called stomata's. These are crucial for the survival of plants.

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No. It is absorbed through tiny pores on the surface of the leaf. These are called "stoma". The veins are for moving the tree's sap in the leaves for growth and nourishment.

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