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Q: Is journey 2 a Disney movie?
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PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN! I'm sure it is different for everyone but this is my personal favorite... Feel free to add on to this answer with your favorite Disney movie. I'm a sucker for Bambie and Incredible Journey - the 1963 version only!

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When did the first homeward bound movie come out?

OK, Follow this...There was a made for TV movie called "Homeward Bound" that came out in 1980. It had nothing to do with dogs. In 1963 Disney released "The Incredible Journey". which was about two dogs and a cat tracking their owner cross country. That movie was re-made as" Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey" in 1993. Homeward Bound 2 came out in 1996

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Is the movie journey 2 out on DVD yet?

no it isnt out yet

Was Zac Efron in the movie journey 2?

no he wasnt but their is vanessa

Is Disney making Iron Man 2?

If the Disney Company beleives that enough people want an Iron Man 2 they will make the movie

What Disney movie is?

It is a movie produced by a movie company called 'Disney'.